
中国人民大学 李桂荣












Week 1: Introduction

(1) From whom we may acquire good English,especially taking account of who we are.

(2) Books we are going to read and journal articles to analyze.

(3) What the teacher expects students to do in class and before and after class.

(4) The key assignment for students.

(5) Students’work assessment and components of students’ final course score.

(6) Course schedule.

(7) Assignment: research field,top journal,top academic organization.

Week 2: Nature of academic w riting and its genres

(1) Nature of academic writing.

(2) Genres of academic writing.

(3) Characteristics of journal articles.

(4) Pre-requisites of writing good journal articles.

(5) Assignment: article topic.

Week 3: Writing proper titles

(1) Purpose of titles.

(2) Forms of titles.

(3) Sample title analysis.

(4) Assignment: article title.

Week 4: Writing style

(1) Language attitude.

(2) Different levels of proper English language.

(3) Simple,complicated,concise.

(4) Naïve,sophisticated,intelligent.

(5) Plain,colorful,impressive; smart,wise,powerful.

(6) Assignment: proper style and writing strategy.

Week 5: Literature review

(1) Purpose of article literature.

(2) Perspective of literature writing.

(3) Characteristics of good literature writing.

(4) Good and poor literature sample analysis.

(5) Assignment: article literature.

Week 6: Figures of speech

(1) Paradox.

(2) Understatement.

(3) M etaphor.

(4) Analogy.

(5) Pun.

(6) Counter-logic.

(7) Assignment: an analogy,a paradox,a counter logic.

Week 7: Sentence power

(1) Power of sentences.

(2) Grammar characteristics of top journal article English.

(3) Sentence transformation.

(4) Good sentence samples.

(5) Assignment: Rew riting the given sentences so as to make them powerful.

Week 8: Word power

(1) Word field.

(2) Word feeling.

(3) Wording and personal language system.

(4) Approaches to develop a proper language system.

(5) Assignment: rew riting a paragraph for assertive wording.

Week 9: Narration in academic articles

(1) Nature of narration.

(2) Normal forms of narration in econom ic and management academ ic writing.

(3) Good and poor narration sample analysis.

(4) Assignment: rew rite a poor narration paragraph.

Week 10: Description in academic articles

(1) Nature of description.

(2) Normal forms of description in economic and management academic writing.

(3) Good and poor description sample analysis.

(4) Assignment: rew rite a poor description paragraph.

Week 11: Exposition in academic articles

(1) Nature of exposition.

(2) Normal forms of exposition in economic and management academic writing.

(3) Good and poor exposition sample analysis.

(4) Assignment: rew rite a poor exposition paragraph.

Week 12: Argumentation in academic articles

(1) Nature of argumentation.

(2) Normal forms of argumentation in economic and management academic writing.

(3) Good and poor argumentation sample analysis.

(4) Assignment: rew rite a poor argumentation paragraph.

Week 13: Logical patterns

(1) Basic logical patterns in academic articles.

(2) Good and poor samples of cause and effect pattern.

(3) Good and poor samples of comparison pattern.

(4) Good and poor samples of counter-evidence pattern.

(5) Assignment: w riting a cause and effect pattern paragraph.

Week 14: Para-texts

(1) Abstract.

(2) Acknow ledgment.

(3) Note.

(4) Appendix.

(5) Documentation.

(6) Assignment: completing and submitting the article.

Week 15: Comments on students’writing

(1) Language: wording,sentence structure,writing style.

(2) Logic: idea development,argumentation pattern,hedging.

(3) Value of ideas.

(4) Layout.




I. Differences among public speeches

(1) Speaking within an organization,representing the leading group or his/her group.

(2) Speaking to the public,representing his/her organization.

(3) Speaking at international conferences representing his/her country.

(4) Academic presentation: small and large group conferences.

II. Overview of academic conferences

(1) Procedure of an academic conference.

(2) How to be a competent chairperson—presiding,commenting.

(3) How to be a competent speaker—speaking,answering questions.

(4) How to be a competent questioner—listening well and asking informed questions.

III. Speaking at an academic conference

(1) Principles and problems at academic conferences.

(2) Learning from experience: subject and statement.

(3) Learning from experience: arguments.

(4) Learning from experience: logical patterns.

(5) Learning from experience: verbal communication—wording,sentence-structuring and figures of speech.

(6) Learning from experience: verbal comm unication—pronunciation,intonation and rhythms.

(7) Learning from experience: non-verbal communication—dress and gesture.

(8) Learning from experience: non-verbal communication—facial expression and hand images.

IV. Learning from experience: responses to challenges

V. Learning from experience: ways to impress the audience











(1) Henning E,Grawett S,Rensbury W. Finding your way in academ ic w riting. Hatfiel: Van Schaik Publishers,2005.

(2) Li Guirong. Academic article writing in English: Principles and practices. Beijing: Nankai University Press,2007.

(3) Murry R,Moore S. The handbook of academ ic w riting: A fresh approach. Berkshire: Open University Press,2006.

(4) Li Guirong. Academ ic artical writing in English: Principles and practices (management and economy). Tianjin: Nankai University Press,2007.

(5) Saunders M,Lew is P,Thornhill A. Research methods for business students (3rd edition). London: Pearson Education Limited,2003.


(1) Drucker P F. The practice of management (2nd edition). London: Pan Books Ltd,1968.

(2) Drucker P F. The last of all possible worlds: A novel. London: William Heinemann Ltd,1982.

(3) Drucker P F. Innovation and entrepreneurship: Practice and principles. New York: HarperCollins Publishers,Inc,1985.

(4) Drucker P F. Managing in the next society. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann,2002.

(5) Keynes J M. A treatise on probability (first published in 1921). London: Macmillan and Co.,Limited,1952.

(6) Keynes J M. A general theory of employment,interest,and money (first published in 1936 by Harcourt,Brace & World). New York: Prometheus Books,1997.

(7) Keynes J M. The economic consequences of the peace (first published by Harcourt,Brace and Howe,Inc. in 1920). New York: Transaction Publishers,2003.

(8) Samuelson P A. ,Nordhaus WD. Economics (18th edition). New York: Irw in McGraw-Hill,2013.

(9) Samuelson P A. Econom ics (6th edition). New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Company,1964.

(10) Smith A. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (first edition,1776,reprinted from fifth edition in 1789). Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press,1904.


(1) Carney R W. ,Child T B. Changes to the ownership and control of East Asian corporations between 1996 and 2008: The primacy of politics. Journal of financial econom ics,2013,107 (2):494–513.

(2) Dow rick,Steve,Golley,Jane. Trade openness and grow th: Who benefits? Oxford review of economic policy,2004,20 (1):38–56.

(3) Eisend,Martin. Have we progressed marketing know ledge? A Meta-meta-analysis of effect sizes in marketing research. Journal of marketing,2015,79(3): 23–40.

(4) Fama E F.,French K R. New lists: Fundamentals and survival rates. Journal of financial economics,2004,76:229–269.

(5) Fox A. China: Land of opportunity and challenge. HR magazine,2007:38–44.

(6) Frase M. The road to (inland) China. HR magazine,2007:71–78.

(7) Hamburg C,Vallmayr J,Hahn A. Firm value creation through major channel expansions: Evidence from an event study in the United States,Germany & China. Journal of marketing,2014,78(3):38–61.

(8) Heymann M C E. International law and the settlement of investment disputes relating to China. Journal of international economic law,2008,11 (3): 505–526.

(9) Kim W C,Mauborgne R. Fair process: Managing in the know ledge economy. Harvard business review,2003:127–136.

(10) Lieberthal,K,Lieberthal G. The great transition. Harvard business review,2003:70–81.

(11) Malone T W,Laubacher R J,Johns T. The age of hyper specialization. Harvard business review,2011:57–65.

(12) Overman S. Recruiting in China. HR magazine,2011:87–93.

(13) Paine L S. The China rules. Harvard business review,2010:103–108.

(14) Pazzaglini H. China law past and present and recent legislative development. Business law international,2007:239–253.

(15) Piotroski J D,Zhang Tianyu. Politicians and the IPO decision: The impact of impending political promotions on IPO activity in China. Journal of financial economics,2014,111(1):111–136.

(16) Piotroski J D,Wong T J,Zhang Tianyu. Political incentives to suppress negative Information: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Journal of accounting research,2015,53(2):405–459.

(17) White G.Capital,distribution and macroeconom ics:“Core” beliefs and theoretical foundations. Cambridge journal of economics,2004,28:527–547.

(18) Williamson P J,Raman A P. How China reset its global acquisition agenda. Harvard business review,2011:109–115.


(1) Academy of Management Journal

(2) Academy of Management Review

(3) Academy of Management Perspectives

(4) Journal of Financial Economics

(5) Human Resource Management

(6) Cambridge Journal of Economics

(7) Harvard Business Review

(8) European Management Journal

(9) Chinese Management Studies

(10) Asian Business&Management

(11) Journal of International Business Studies

(12) Journal of Organizational Behavior

(13) Journal of Organizational Change Management

(14) Oxford Review of Economic Policy

(15) Journal of Financial Planning

(16) Healthcare Financial Management

(17) Journal of Economic Literature

(18) Journal of Economic Perspective

(19) Journal of Economic History

(20) Organization Science

(21) Organization Studies

(22) Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

(23) Personnel Review

(24) Journal of Marketing

(25) Journal of Marketing Research

(26) Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society

(27) China Agricultural Economic Review

(28) Chinese Management Studies

(29) Culture and Organization

(30) Human Relations

(31) International Journal of Human Resource Management

(32) International Journal of Manpower

(33) Leadership&Organization Development Journal

(34) Management Decision

(35) Management Science

(36) Organization

(37) Systemic Practice and Action Research

(38) International Marketing Review

(39) International Small Business Journal

(40) Journal of Organizational Behavior

(41) Journal of Management

(42) Journal of Management Studies

(43) China Economic Review

(44) Journal of Human Capital

(45) Journal of Human Resources

(46) China&World Economy

(47) Small Business Economics

(48) Real Estate Economics

(49) Journal of Cultural Economics

(50) Asian Economic Policy Review

