- 现代外语教学与研究(2017)
- 吴江梅 彭工 鞠方安主编
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- 2024-12-21 06:09:06
中国人民大学 李桂荣
教师带领学生精细研读英语版《国富论》(Adam Sm ith,An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations)第1卷,讲述智慧型英语语言风格和语言技术,“插播”并解读关于当代中国经济管理的英语声像材料,指导学生撰写研读报告,指导学生以专业视角进行学术写作和演讲,批改和点评学生研读报告和论文习作;学生在教师的指导下用所学英语风格和语言技术撰写和演讲英语研读报告、以自己的专业视角论述和演讲中国当代经济和管理。演讲部分,学生进行3分钟的即兴学术性演讲,为现场用英语进行学术性沟通打下坚实基础;写作部分,要求学生充分发挥其创造性并完成500~3000英文单词的学术性短文,篇幅自由,以完整清楚地表达专业性思想为主,为能在博士生阶段顺利进行学术性期刊论文写作做好准备。具体教学进程如下:
Week 1: Introduction and Plan of the Work Intelligent English style and language skills,with illustrations from The Wealth of Nations; narration,description,exposition,argumentation,logical patterns,cause and effect,paradox,metaphor,analogy;“necessaries,”“conveniences,”“luxuries,”“superfluity,”“stock,”“fund,”“im provem ent,”“rude,”“w ant,”“dem and”;introduction to contemporary China w riting
Week 2:Of the Division of Labour,Of the Principle Which Gives Occasion to the Division of Labour Economic narration,process description,situation description,comparison,direct statement; logic chain,attachment,sense group,key word,subject,statement;appositives,verbless clause,parallelism,incomplete negation;“skill,”“dexterity,”“judgem ent,”“pow er,”“industry,”“goodness,”“deficiency,”“advantage,”“application,”“facilitate,”“abridge,”“communication,”“variety,”“ingenuity,”“employment,”“accommodate”Strengths and weaknesses in students’academic presentation
Week 3:That the Division of Labour Is Lim ited by the Extent of the Market,Of the Origin and Use of Money 7Cs in writing,exactness,expressiveness,impressiveness,exposition,argumentation,language attitude;sentence power,power of“as,”power of“otherw ise,”power of nominative absolute construction; ellipsis,repetition,exaggeration,understatement,irony,counter logic;“principle,”“occasion,”“truck,”“barter,”“faculty,”“account,”“contract,”“signify,”“consequence,”“engage,”“propose,”“address,”“humanity,”“subsistence,”“disposition,”“office,”“readiness”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 4: Of the Real and Nominal Price of Commodities,or their Price in Labour,and their Price in Money Cause and effect,induction,deduction,analogy,quotation,exemplification,counter evidence; conversion,free-compound,derivation,double predicate,short sentence power,long sentence power,word meaning layers;“corn,”“cattle,” “power,”“want,”“such,”“sphere,”“occupation,”“situation,”“perform,”“affinity,”“attend,”“oblige,”“expense,”“populousness,”“ignorance,”“exploit”,“cultivate,”“interior,”“prudent”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 5: Of the Component Parts of the Price of Commodities,Of the Natural and M arket Price of Commodities Supposition and statement,brief and detailed description,climax;“it,”“one,”“do,”“that,”“which”;“police,”“happy,”“account,”“like,”“riches,”“want,”“demand”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation Strengths and weaknesses in students’ w riting on contemporary China management and economy (assignment 1)
Week 6: Of the Wages of Labour Transferred epithet,metonymy,fictitious narration,factual narration,analogy,deduction,fictitious description,factual description,full negation,partial negation,double negation,contrast,transition; verbless clause,“as…,so…” sentence structure;“quality,”“fair,”“as…,so…”,“order,”“stock,”“industry,”“employment”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 7: Of the Profits of Stock Paradox,synecdoche,exactitude,specification,cause and effect; function of punctuation marks,colon,comma,sem icolon,dash,hyphen,parenthesis; order of pre-modifiers,order of post-modifiers;“province,”“country,”“produce,”“order,”“stock”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 8: Of Wages and Profit in the Different Employments of Labour and Stock,Inequalities Arising from the Nature of the Employments themselves Analogy,metaphor,irony,sarcasm,compound reasoning,counter evidence;inversion,double negation,sentence pattern,verbless clause,compound gerund phrase,compound infinitive phrase,free compound;“venture,”“liberal,”“projector,”“goodness”Strengths and weaknesses in students’academ ic presentation
Week 9: Inequalities by the Policy of Europe (169–187) Simile,metaphor,analogy,coordinate absolute nominative construction,paradox,climax,anti-climax,comparison,personification; conversion,transition,repetition,sentence balance;“bye-law,”“universal,”“university,”“just,”“liberty,”“institution,”“advantage,”“corporation spirit,”“justice”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation Strengths and weaknesses in students’ w riting on contemporary China management and economy (assignment 2)
Week 10: Inequalities by the Policy of Europe (187–202) Free direct speech,free indirect speech,synecdoche,antonomasia,metonymy,transferred epithet,humor; tense m ix;“order,”“rate,”“police,”“but that…,”“oppression,”“revolution”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 11: Of the Rent of Land,Of the Produce of Land Which A lways A ffords Rent Antithesis,perspective,coordination; antithesis,appositive,verb substitute,bare infinitive;“increase,”“fund,”“pretend,”“w ild,”“corn,”“coarse,”“choice,”“production,”“vegetable,”“chairman,”“agent”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 12: Of the Produce of Land Which Sometimes Does and Sometimes Does Not A fford Rent Parody,homage,analogy,contrast,metaphor,metonymy,parallelism,“he” or“she”,cause and effect,alliteration,homeoteleuton,assonance,description of a mechanism,description of a situation;“it,”“that,”“one,”“and,”“but,”“such”;“value,”“virgin,”“lottery,”“except,”“merit,”“advantage”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 13: Of the Variations in the Proportion Between the Respective Values of That Sort of Produce Which A lways A ffords Rent,and of That Which Sometim es Does and Sometimes Does Not A fford Rent,Digression Concerning the Variations in the Value of Silver during the Course of the Four Last Centuries (First Period) Full form analogy,direct statement,oxymoron,pun,hyperbole,understatement,euphem ism,rhetoric question; historical present tense,full inversion,partial inversion,com pound preposition,com pound conjunction,com posite verb,nom inative absolute construction complex,ellipsis;“book,”“police,”“prior,”“game”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation Strengths and weaknesses in students’ writing on contemporary China management and economy (assignment 3)
Week 14: Digression Concerning the Variations in the Value of Silver during the Course of the Four Last Centuries (Second Period,Third Period) Relativity,counter-evidence,cause and effect,exposing the invisible,exposing the visible,summarizing,paradox,verbless clause,foreign words,brief narration; voice m ix,mood m ix,doubtful supposition,gerundial complex,infinitive complex,parenthetical expression;“industry,”“civil,”“government,”“stuff,”“axe”Strengths and weaknesses in students’academic presentation
Week 15: Variations in the Proportion between the Respective Values of Gold and Silver,Grounds of the Suspicion that the Value of Silver Still Continues to Decrease,Different Effects of the Progress of Improvement upon Three Different Sorts of Rude Produce (First Sort,Second Sort)“Separated” appositive,exposition,counter-evidence,comparison,complex object,adverbial object,object complement,appositive noun phrase,appositive gerund phrase,appositive clause,correlative noun phrase,correlative gerund phrase,correlative clause,substitute“so,” parenthetical expression,affixation,suffixation,combining,blending,abbreviating,clipping,coining;“the one,”“the other,”“cattle,”“so far as,”“not…but…”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation
Week 16: Different Effects of the Progress of Improvement upon Three Different Sorts of Rude Produce (Third Sort),Conclusion of the Digression Concerning the Variations in the Value of Silver,Effects of the Progress of Improvement upon the Real Price of M anufactures,Conclusion of the Chapter Real condition,unreal condition,implied condition,conversion,transition,compound preposition,phrasal preposition,hedging or assertive word,subjective or objective word,obscure or specific word,offensive or modest word,short or long word,common or learned word,formal or informal or colloquial word,general or special word;“order,”“class,”“rank,”“interest”Strengths and weaknesses in students’ academic presentation Strengths and weaknesses in students’writing on contemporary China management and economy (assignment 4)
本课以研读和实践相结合的方法进行,研读为主,实践为辅,目的是让学生在教师的带领下向自己专业领域中“榜样”英语学习并进行实践,通过学习和实践把握自己专业领域中智慧型英语的定位、水平、叙事方式、描述方式、揭示方式、论证方式以及总体语言风格。研读以精读英语版《国富论》第1卷为主,以研读英语版写作理论著作和期刊论文写作著作为辅(具体见“研读教材” )。学生在研读的基础上把学到的理论和语言技术运用到表达自己专业思想的现场口头演讲和书面文章写作中。教师精细指导学生的研读和实践,对学生的口头和书面语言实践进行精细批阅和评点并提出细致的改进建议。
学生学习评价分为考试、平时成绩和学术性短文写作三大部分。在课程总成绩中,考试占50%,学生参加全校所有上英语课的硕士生都参加的硕士生英语期末统一考试(即北京市研究生英语教学研究会主持的北京市研究生英语统一考试);平时成绩占30%,其中课上学术性演讲占20%,课堂出勤和互动占10% ;每月1次的学术性短文写作占20%。
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