“Wow, you really trust my judgement. I am afraid that I might not be able to do the job well.”(你真的很相信我的判断。但是,我觉得我很有可能完成不了工作。)
“I trust the judgement of Mr. Murray.“(我相信穆雷老师的判断。)
“I have to say that I might not be as good as any of you think.“(我还是想说,我没有你们想的那样好。)
“Look, I am coming back to the states soon to meet with you. Your ability will be determined by me when I am there. And did you sign your contact with the company or with me?“(你想,我马上回美国,你的能力多少是我在那里决定的。还有,你的合同是和公司签的还是和我个人签的?)
“With you.“(和你。)
“Ok, if you really don't think you can do it, then you would be my personal secretary.“(好的,如果你觉得不能胜任这个职责,那么你就是我的私人助理。)
“Ok, what are my responsibilities?“(好的,我的职责是什么?)
“Make any of my public statements by understanding what I am trying to say by asking questions. And organize my schedule.”(帮我说所有对外说的话,一直问问题直到你理解我的意思。然后整理我的行程。)
“Sure, that works.“(好的,没问题。)
“Do you need a Chinese Visa?“(你需要去中国的签证吗?)
“No, I've already got one. Nathan has already told me.“(没有,我已经有一个了。Nathan已经告诉我需要一个。)
“Okay, see you soon.“(好的,以后见。)
“Ok, bye.“(好的,再见。)
袁子杰让她把电话给Nathan。“What major was she in?”(她大学什么专业?)
“Business administration and law with a minor of psychology.“(工商管理和法律,副修心理学。)
“Damn! Perfect, that's exactly what I need.“(完美。这是我需要的。)
“Your contract with her is insanely big.“(你给她的合同超级的大。)
“She is worth more than you.“(她可比你有价值的多了。)
“Yeah, you've reserved her spot for like a solid 5 years.“(是啊,你把她的位置留了整整五年。)
“Give her some of our investments from before and ask her of her opinions, and send them to me.“(给她一些我们投资的案例,问她一些关于这些案例的想法,然后发给我。)
“Are you still gonna be a chef?“(你还是当你的主厨?)
“Yeah, maybe. Maybe not.“(可能,也可能不会。)
“What? Got bored.“(怎么了?无聊了?)
“A little.“(一点点。)
“Ok, talk to you soon. It's late.“(好的,再见,已经挺晚的。)
“Have some sweet sweet dreams.“(做个好梦。)