
clothes [kləuðz] n.衣服,服装
eg. He took a bundle of clothes and ran away.
同义词 garment [ˈgɑ:mənt] n.衣服,服装
clothing [ˈkləuðiŋ] n.衣服,服装
派生词 cloth [klɔθ] n.织物,布料
clothe [kləuð] v.给……穿衣
clothed [kləuðd] adj.穿……衣服的
短语词组 clothes line 晒衣绳;clothes rack 衣架
take off clothes 脱下衣服;try on clothes 试衣服
wash clothes 洗衣服;wear clothes 穿衣服
scarf [skɑ:f] n.围巾(pl. scarves)
eg. It's cold outside and the young man muffled his scarf tightly around his neck.
同义词 muffler [ˈmʌflə] n.围巾;neckcloth [ˈnekklɔθ] n.围巾
相关词 respirator [ˈrespəreitə] n.口罩
去掉f / fe 加-ves的名词有:
half→halves(一半) knife→knives (小刀)
leaf→leaves(叶子) wolf→wolves (狼)
wife→wives(妻子) life→lives(生命)
uniform [ˈju:nifɔ:m] n.制服
eg. The boys looked smart in their school uniforms.
同义词 garb [gɑ:b] n.服装,制服
派生词 uniformed [ˈju:nifɔ:md] adj.穿制服的
相关词 overalls [ˈəuvərɔ:lz] n.工装裤
boiler suit 连衫裤工作服
短语词组 school uniform 校服
police uniform 警服
naval uniform 海军制服
in uniform 穿着制服
out of uniform 穿着便服
coat [kəut] n.外套
eg. The coat is too large for you.
相关词 overcoat [ˈəuvəkəut] n.长大衣
greatcoat [ˈgreitkəut] n.(尤指士兵穿的)厚长大衣
短语词组 fur coat 毛皮大衣
dust coat 风衣
cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量体裁衣,量入为出
turn one's coat 变节,背叛,改变立场
jacket [ˈdʒækit] n.夹克
eg. The boy whipped off his jacket and left.
相关词 lining [ˈlainiŋ] n.衬里
anorak [ˈænəræk] n.带风帽的厚夹克
pocket [ˈpɔkit] n.衣袋
短语词组 sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克
warm / dust / smoke / dress down sb's jacket
打 / 骂某人一顿
pull down jacket 不要激动
send in one's jacket 辞职
pajama [pəˈdʒɑ:mə] n.
eg. The furious woman rushed out, being in her pajamas.
同义词 nightclothes [ˈnaitkləuðz] n.睡衣
相关词 nightdress [ˈnaitdres] n.女睡袍
nightshirt [ˈnaitʃə:t] n.衬衫式长睡衣,男用长睡衣
sleepcoat [ˈsli:pkəut] n.(长及膝盖、腰间束带的)男睡衣
短语词组 dressing gown 晨衣,睡袍
the cat's pajamas 卓越的 / 出色的人或事
shoe [ʃu:] n.鞋
eg. This pair of shoes cost me two hundred yuan.
派生词 shoeless [ˈʃu:lis] adj.无鞋的;未钉蹄铁的
相关词 shoe-maker [ˈʃu:ˈmeikə] n.鞋匠
cobbler [ˈkɔblə] n.修鞋匠
shoeshine [ˈʃu:ʃain] n.以擦皮鞋为业的人
slipper [ˈslipə] n.拖鞋
high heels 高跟鞋
短语词组 be in / put oneself in sb's shoes (设想)处于某人的地位或处境
bag [bæg] n.包,袋
eg. He got angry with me and kicked my bag out of the room.
派生词 baggy [ˈbægi] adj.袋状的
相关词 handbag [ˈhændbæg] n.(女用)手提包
purse [pə:s] n.钱包,钱袋
wallet [ˈwɔlit] n.钱包
sack [sæk] n.大口袋
短语词组 in the bag 稳操胜券
bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人
bear the bag 掌握财权
bum bag 腰包
watch [wɔtʃ] n.手表
eg. My uncle bought me a Swiss watch.
同义词 wristwatch [ˈristwɔtʃ] n.手表
相关词 watchband [ˈwɔtʃbænd] n.表带
fob [fɔb] n.怀表短链
短语词组 maintain a watch 彻夜不眠,守夜
watch for 寻找;等待
watch out =be careful 当心
keep a good watch for 提防,警惕
watch strap 手表带,表带
boot [bu:t] n.靴子
eg. She stood on her bare feet, with her boots thrown beside.
相关词 jackboot [ˈdʒækbu:t] n.长筒靴
uppers [ˈʌpəz] n.鞋帮,靴面
短语词组 lace up one's boots 系紧靴子
in the boot 在行李箱中
boot ball 踢球
boot out 赶走;开除
ankle boots 短靴
shoelace [ˈʃu:leis] n.鞋带
eg. He killed himself with a shoelace, which shocked his neighbor.
同义词 latchet [ˈlætʃit] n.鞋带
相关词 lace-up [ˈleisʌp] n.系带鞋
shoehorn [ˈʃu:hɔ:n] n.鞋拔
shoeshine [ˈʃu:ʃain] n.擦鞋(生意)
insole [ˈinsəul] n.鞋垫
glove [glʌv] n.手套
eg. The cleaner put on her gloves and began to sweep the ground.
派生词 gloved [glʌvd] adj.带有手套的
相关词 earmuff [ˈiəmʌf] n.耳套
handkerchief [ˈhæŋkətʃif] n.手帕
wristlet [ˈristlit] n.护腕
短语词组 take off the gloves 不饶恕;boxing glove 拳击手套
hand in glove 亲密地;glove money 贿赂
fit like a glove 合身,正合适
leather glove 皮手套
pants [pænts] n.短裤
eg. People who are wearing pants or slippers are not allowed in.
同义词 short trousers 短裤
相关词 waistband [ˈweistbænd] n.裤腰
jumpsuit [ˈdʒʌmpˈsju:t] n.(女式)连体裤
短语词组 bore / scare the pants off sb 使某人厌烦透顶
in long / short pants 成年 / 未成年
have ants in the pants 烦恼,不安
with one's pants 处境尴尬,出其不意地
necklace [ˈneklis] n.项链
eg. This luxury necklace is surplus to requirements.
相关词 locket [ˈlɔkit] n.盒式项链坠
pendant [ˈpendənt] n.(项链上的)垂饰,饰坠
bracelet [ˈbreislit] n.手镯,手链
anklet [ˈæŋklit] n.脚链
短语词组 necklace pendant 项坠
skirt [skə:t] n.裙子
eg. The girl's new skirt was admired by her friends.
相关词 miniskirt [ˈminiskə:t] n.迷你裙
underskirt [ˈʌndəskə:t] n.衬裙
gown [gaun] n.女裙,女礼服
kilt [kilt] n.苏格兰短褶裙
frock [frɔk] n.连衣裙,女装
短语词组 a bit of skirt(俚)姑娘
clean one's skirt 洗手不干
hang on the skirts of 依赖
dress [dres] n.连衣裙 v.给(某人)穿衣服
eg. Shirley doesn't like the style of the dress.
同义词 wear [wɛə] v.穿,戴
派生词 dressed [drest] adj.穿着衣服的
dressy [ˈdresi] adj.(服装)漂亮雅致的,讲究的
短语词组 dressing room 更衣室,化妆间
dress oneself 打扮,给自己穿衣服
dress for 为……而打扮
dress up 着盛装

jewellery [ˈdʒu:əlri] n.珠宝,首饰
eg. She borrowed some gold jewellery from her friend.
派生词 jeweller [ˈdʒu:ələ] n.珠宝商
jewelled [ˈdʒu:əld] adj.镶有宝石的
相关词 jewel [ˈdʒu:əl] n.宝石
bead [bi:d] n.珠子
pearl [pə:l] n.珍珠
opal [ˈəupəl] n.猫眼石
hat [hæt] n.帽子
eg. The monkey picked up the hat and put it on.
派生词 hatless [ˈhætlis] adj.不戴帽子的
hatter [ˈhætə] n.制帽人,帽商
相关词 sunhat [ˈsʌnhæt] n.阔边遮阳帽
hood [hud] n.风帽,兜帽
cap [kæp] n.便帽,软帽
短语词组 cowboy hat 牛仔帽
top hat 高顶礼帽
keep under one's hat 对某事物保密
knock into a cocked hat 挫败或超过某人
talk through one's hat 信口开河
out of a hat 随便地,任意地

helmet [ˈhelmit] n.头盔
eg. All contestants are required to wear helmets to assure their safety.
派生词 helmeted [ˈhelmitid] adj.带着头盔的
短语词组 crash helmet 防护帽
dust helmet 防尘罩
face helmet 面罩
diving helmet 潜水帽
safety helmet 安全帽
gas helmet 防毒面具
scarf [skɑ:f] n.围巾;头巾;披肩(其复数形式是scarfs或scarves)
headscarf [ˈhedskɑ:f] n.(女用)头巾
eg. If you pull off the headscarf of the shy girl, she will be angry.
同义词 turban [ˈtə:bən] n.包头巾,(女用)头巾帽
headdress [ˈheddres] n.(特殊场合戴的)头巾,头饰
相关词 veil [veil] n.面罩,面纱
yashmak [ˈjæʃmæk] n.(穆斯林妇女戴的)面纱

tie [tai] n.领带
eg. In this company, male employees must wear jackets and ties.
同义词 necktie [ˈnektai] n.领带
相关词 tiepin [ˈtaipin] n.领带别针;cravat [krəˈvæt] n.阔领带
collar [ˈkɔlə] n.衣领,领子;bow tie 蝴蝶领结
短语词组 knot a tie 打领带
undo a tie 解开领带
tie up with 把……与……密切联系起来
tie up (使)停泊

collar [ˈkɔlə] n.衣领,领子
eg. I don't want to recommend you this shirt, for a stiff collar may chafe your neck.
派生词 collarless [ˈkɔləlis] adj.无领的
相关词 lapel [ləˈpel] n.翻领
round neck 圆领
短语词组 hot under the collar 愤怒的,尴尬的
in the collar 行动不自由,受到约束
collar bone 锁骨

shirt [ʃə:t] n.衬衫
eg. The blue shirt matched the gray tie very well.
相关词 blouse [blauz] n.女外套,女衬衫
T-shirt [ˈti:ʃə:t] n.短袖圆领衫
sleeve [sli:v] n.袖子
cuff [kʌf] n.袖口
shirtsleeve [ˈʃə:tsli:v] n.衬衫的袖子
polo shirt 球衣
短语词组 give the shirt off one's back 把所有一切都送给别人
keep one's shirt on 保持镇静,不发脾气
lose one's shirt 丧失全部财产

sweater [ˈswetə] n.毛衣,毛线衫
eg. Mrs. Wang always weaves sweaters for her children in her free time.
相关词 cardigan [ˈkɑ:digən] n.开襟毛衣
pullover [ˈpuləuvə] n.套头毛衣
短语词组 woollen sweater 绒衫
light / warm sweater 轻便 / 暖和的毛衣

knit [nit] v.编织,针织
eg. I have been knitting a pair of gloves for about two months.
派生词 knitted [nitid] adj.编织的,针织的
knitter [ˈnitə] n.针织工
相关词 knitwear [ˈnit, wɛə] n.针织品
knitting wool 毛线
knitting needle 毛衣针
短语词组 knit up 织成,织完,结束
scissors(剪刀), trousers(裤子), pants(裤子), shorts(短裤), stockings(长袜), socks(短袜), glasses(眼镜)等等。
这些词的共同特征就是通常是由两个部分构成一个整体,如:一条裤子有两条腿,一把剪刀有两半,一双袜子有两只,所以经常用a pair of来修饰。
trousers [ˈtrauzəz] n.裤子
eg. My trousers need a patch on the knee.
同义词 pants [pænts] n.短裤,裤子
相关词 jeans [dʒi:nz] n.牛仔裤
suspenders [səˈspendəz] n.吊带裤
leggings [ˈlegiŋz] n.紧身裤
knickers [ˈnikəz] n.女式短裤
breeches [ˈbritʃiz] n.半长裤,马裤
短语词组 wear the trousers (习语)掌权当家
trouser suit(女子的)衣裤套装
毛呢(woolen),棉布(cotton),丝绸(silk),化纤(chemical fiber),裘革(fur or leather),羽绒(down),人造毛皮(artificial fur and leather)
tailcoat [ˈteilkəut] n.燕尾服
eg. The gentleman wearing the tailcoat is Elizabeth's former husband.
同义词 swallowtail [ˈswɔləuteil] n.燕尾服
相关词 有关tail相关的习语:
make head or tail of (非正式)看懂,弄清楚
with one's tail between one's legs 夹着尾巴,垂头丧气,灰溜溜地
tail after 尾随,跟踪
undergraduate 本科生;underground 地铁;undertake 从事;underdeveloped欠发达;understaffed 缺乏人手
underwear [ˈʌndəwɛə] n.内衣
eg. She felt embarrassed to see the holes in her underwear.
同义词 underclothes [ˈʌndəkləuðz] n.内衣
相关词 bra [brɑ:] n.文胸
brassiere [ˈbræsiə] n.胸罩,文胸
corset [ˈkɔ:sit] n.紧身内衣
underpants [ˈʌndəpænts] n. (pl.)(男)内裤,衬裤
stocking [ˈstɔkiŋ] n.长袜
eg. On Christmas Eve, children put stockings on their beds and expect the presents from Father Christmas.
同义词 netherstock [ˈneðəstɔk] n.长袜
相关词 tights [taits] n.紧身衣,裤袜
sock [sɔk] n.短袜
短语词组 wear yellow stockings 嫉妒,吃醋
blue stocking 好卖弄学问的女人
in one's stocking / stocked feet 只穿袜子不穿鞋(习语)
silk stockings 丝袜
tartan [ˈtɑ:tn] n.方格花纹;花格图案
eg. The comedy actor wore a tartan skirt, which made the audience laugh.
相关词 checked [tʃekt] adj.有方格图案的
plaid [plæd] n.格子呢
polka dots 圆点(花样)
horizontal stripe 横条纹
vertical stripes 竖条纹
break loose from sb / sth 挣脱束缚或摆脱限制;let sb / sth loose 释放某人、某物
loose [lu:s] adj.宽松的
eg. She became fat and had to wear loose clothes.
同义词 loose-fitting [ˈlu:sˈfitiŋ] adj.宽松的
派生词 loosely [ˈlu:sli] adv.松散地,宽松地
loosen [ˈlu:sn] v.松开,放松
looseness [ˈlu:snis] n.松动,松弛
短语词组 loose life 散漫的生活;loose thinker 思想不严密的人
loose tongue 随口乱讲;let loose 释放
set loose 松手

tight [tait] adj.紧的,紧身的
eg. The dress is too tight, so she can't wear it.
同义词 close-fitting [ˈkləuzˈfitiŋ] adj.紧身的,贴身的
tight-fitting [taitˈfitiŋ] adj.紧身的
skin-tight [ˈskintait] adj.紧身的,包身的
派生词 tightly [ˈtaitli] adv.紧密地
tighten [ˈtaitən] v.(使)变紧,(使)绷紧
短语词组 be a tight squeeze 挤得紧紧的
in a tight corner 处于困境

button [ˈbʌtn] n.扣子
eg. There are nearly twenty buttons on her dress.
派生词 buttony [ˈbʌtəni] adj.多纽扣的
相关词 buttonhole [ˈbʌtnhəul] n.纽扣孔
buckle [ˈbʌkl] n.搭扣
press stud 摁扣
短语词组 on the button 准确地

glasses [ˈglɑ:siz] n.眼镜
eg. There are a lot of students wearing glasses to improve their vision.
同义词 spectacles [ˈspektəklz] n.眼镜
eyeglasses [ˈaiglɑ:siz] n.眼镜
相关词 eyeglass [ˈaiglɑ:s] n.镜片
telescope [ˈteliskəup] n.望远镜
短语词组 dark glasses 墨镜
reading glasses 老花镜

ring [riŋ] n.戒指;v.打电话
eg. She lost the ring her husband gave her.
派生词 ringed [riŋd] adj.戴戒指的
相关词 brooch [brəutʃ] n.胸针
clip-on earring 夹式耳环
短语词组 ring back 回电话,再打电话
ring out 发出响声,响起
ring round 给各处打电话
ring up 打电话
diamond ring 钻戒

leather [ˈleðə] n.皮革
eg. My aunt likes the gloves which are made of leather best.
派生词 leathery [ˈleðəri] adj.似皮革的
相关词 leatherette [leðəˈret] n.人造皮,人造革
短语词组 patent leather 漆皮,漆革
hell for leather 尽快地
cow leather 牛皮
leather coat 皮上衣

tailor [ˈteilə] n.裁缝;v.订做
eg. Though I'm not a tailor, I'm quite proficient in tailoring.
同义词 dressmaker [ˈdres, meikə] n. (女装)裁缝
派生词 tailored [ˈteiləd] adj.订做的
相关词 tailor-made [ˈteiləˈmeid] adj.订做的
短语词组 tailor sth for / to sb / sth (为某目的)做某事或适应某事物
tailor-made for sb / sth 完全适合,十分合适
simple [ˈsimpl] adj.朴素的,简朴的
eg. He couldn't answer this simple question.
同义词 plain [plein] adj.朴素的,简单的
派生词 simplicity [simˈplisiti] n.质朴,淳朴
simply [ˈsimpli] adv.简朴地,朴素地
simplified [ˈsimplifaid] adj.简化了的
相关词 plain clothes 便衣,便服
短语词组 pure and simple 纯粹地,十足地(用于所指名词之后)
fancy for sth 渴望,喜爱
catch / take sb 's fancy
take a fancy to sb / sth
fancy [ˈfænsi] adj.精致的,花哨的;n.想象力
eg. The girl always has so many fancy clothes.
派生词 fanciful [ˈfænsifəl] adj.富有幻想的
fancifully [ˈfænsifəli] adv.富有幻想地
fancier [ˈfænsiə] n.对某事物有特殊的兴趣和爱好的人
相关词 exquisite [ˈekskwizit] adj.精美的,精致的
delicate [ˈdelikit] adj.精致的
delicacy [ˈdelikəsi] n.精美,精致