- AP中文仿真试题集(第二版)
- (美)谢碧霞编著
- 7546字
- 2023-04-20 18:33:55
AP Chinese Language and Culture Test 1
Section I: Multiple Choice
Part A: Listening (Rejoinders and Listening Selections)

Listening Part Directions
You will answer two types of questions: rejoinders and questions based on listening selections.
For all tasks, you will have a specific amount of response time. When the response time has ended, you will automatically go on to the next question. You cannot return to previous questions.
Listening Part Directions: Rejoinders (10%, 10 minutes)
You will hear several short conversations or parts of conversations followed by four choices, designated A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that continues or completes the conversation in a logical and culturally appropriate manner. After you have decided which of the suggested answers is best, COMPLETELY fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. You will have 5 seconds to answer each question.
1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Listening Part Directions: Listening Selections (15%, 10 minutes)
You will listen to several selections in Chinese. For each selection, you will be told whether it will be played once or twice. You may take notes as you listen. Your notes will not be graded. After listening to each selection, you will see questions in English. For each question, choose the response that is best according to the selection. You will have 12 seconds to answer each question.
Selection 1: Announcement (Selection plays two times.)
16. The donation is for the benefit of
A) the school
B) the students
C) the homeless
D) the low-income families
17. How will the food be collected?
A) Students shall drop the food at the Student Center.
B) Students need to send the food directly to a non-profit organization.
C) Students can leave the food in the boxes outside the classrooms.
D) Volunteers will collect the food during the fourth class.
18. What kinds of food are NOT accepted?
A) Fresh meat and vegetables
B) Canned food
C) Rice and flour
D) Cooking oil and salt
19. How long will this event last ?
A) Until the end of the month
B) Until the end of the semester
C) Until enough food has been collected
D) For one week
Selection 2: Conversation (Selection plays one time.)
20. The boy asks the girl to go to a
A) volunteer event
B) dance party
C) birthday party
D) movie theatre
21. Why does the girl NOT want to go with the boy?
A) She has to do homework.
B) She has to volunteer at an event.
C) She does not enjoy dancing.
D) She thinks the boy is too aggressive.
22. What is the outcome of the boy's invitation?
A) The girl will go to the party with someone else.
B) The girl accepted the boy's invitation.
C) The girl will not go to the party with the boy.
D) The girl would like to think about it some more.
Selection 3: Voice Message (Selection plays two times.)
23. Where did the boy stay with his uncle?
A) San Francisco
B) Los Angeles
C) Beijing
D) Shanghai
24. The boy visited his uncle during
A) the summer
B) spring break
C) Christmas break
D) Chinese New Year
25. Why is the boy worried about going to school the next day?
A) He has a lot of homework to do.
B) He is tired of going to school.
C) He is experiencing jet lag.
D) He is still very excited about his recent trip.
26. Which of the following is TRUE about the boy's return flight?
A) It arrived on time.
B) It arrived thirty minutes early.
C) It was delayed by thirty minutes.
D) It was delayed by one hour.
Selection 4: Instructions (Selection plays one time.)
27. Can the user upload their personal books to this device?
A) Yes, but there is a fee involved.
B) Yes, they can do that.
C) No, the user will have to buy directly from the e-store.
D) No, but there are free books they can download.
28. The Kindle eBook Reader has become popular because
A) it has been heavily marketed
B) the price of the reader is affordable
C) it is convenient to use
D) e-books have become affordable
29. How does the user turn it on?
A) Press the “on” button on the top of the device
B) Press a button on the device or touch the screen
C) Type in the product serial code on the receipt
D) Use the password and log-in ID
30. What can the user do on the device?
A) To watch a movie
B) To listen to music
C) To send a fax
D) To purchase books
31. Which of the following can it NOT do?
A) To read cartoons
B) To make calls
C) To wirelessly connect to the internet
D) To read documents with pictures
Selection 5: Report (Selection plays one time.)
32. What will happen tonight?
A) It will get warmer.
B) It will get colder.
C) It will continue to rain.
D) It will begin to snow.
33. What will happen in the next few days?
A) It will get warmer.
B) It will get colder.
C) It will continue to rain.
D) It will begin to snow.
34. The forecast advises to
A) apply sunblock when going outside
B) carry an umbrella
C) wear multiple layers
D) stay indoors
35. What is the scope of the forecast?
A) Nationwide
B) Citywide
C) Statewide
D) Worldwide
Part B: Reading Selections
Note: In this part of the exam, you may move back and forth among all the questions.
Reading Part Directions: Reading Selections (25%, 60 minutes)
You will read several selections in Chinese. Each selection is accompanied by a number of questions in English. For each question, choose the response that is best according to the selection. After you have decided which of the suggested answers is best, COMPLETELY fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. Chinese tests appear here in both traditional and simplified characters. You will have 60 minutes to answer all questions.
Read this e-mail.
(Traditional characters)
女兒 小紅上
(Simplified characters)
女儿 小红上
1. What was the most memorable location of her trip?
A) The Forbidden City
B) The Great Wall
C) Tian’anmen Square
D) Wangfujing Snack Street
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Spicy bean noodles are from Beijing.
B) Steamed pork dumplings are from Shanghai.
C) Lamb kabobs are from Sichuan.
D) There are various snacks from the world at Wangfujing Snack Street.
3. What aspect of Wangfujing Street does Xiaohong like the most?
A) Eating the snacks of Wangfujing
B) Shopping in internationally known brand name stores
C) Shopping in traditional Chinese stores
D) Watching street performances
4. What part of China will Xiaohong visit next?
A) The North
B) The South
C) The East
D) The West
5. Which of the following statements about Xiaohong's mother is TRUE?
A) She met with Xiaohong in Hong Kong the following week.
B) She was sick at home.
C) She continued to stay in Beijing after Xiaohong left.
D) She was waiting for Xiaohong to come to Kunming the next day.
Read this public sign.
(Traditional characters)
(Simplified characters)
6. What does the warning on the sign suggest?
A) Do not approach!
B) Security check needed!
C) Enter with caution!
D) Watch both sides of the street before crossing!
7. Where would this sign most likely appear?
A) On a high-voltage electric fence
B) Beside a swimming pool
C) On a children's play structure
D) In a parking lot
Read this public sign.
(Traditional characters)
(Simplified characters)
8. Where is the sign most likely seen?
A) On a school bus
B) Near the sink of the public restrooms
C) Near the beach
D) In a restaurant
9. The purpose of the sign is to
A) tell people that travelling across the Pacific Ocean is dangerous
B) encourage people to save water
C) say that the Pacific Ocean is the best source for drinking water
D) remind people to always have plenty of drinking water
Read this advertisement on a poster.
(Traditional characters)
• 各式轎車
• 各式輕型卡車
• 政府没收車
• 銀行回收車
• 風雨無阻,免費入場
• 自由出價,提供貸款
• 買方需支付10%的費用給拍賣行
• 此次拍賣與任何政府機構無關
(Simplified characters)
• 各式轿车
• 各式轻型卡车
• 政府没收车
• 银行回收车
• 风雨无阻,免费入场
• 自由出价,提供贷款
• 买方需支付10%的费用给拍卖行
• 此次拍卖与任何政府机构无关
10. Which of the following car categories will NOT be offered at the auction?
A) Sports cars
B) Light trucks
C) Bank owned cars
D) Government repossessed cars
11. According to the notice, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Buyers must pay a 10% fee to the seller.
B) Auction participants must pay an entrance fee.
C) The auction will be canceled if there is rain.
D) This auction is organized by a government agency.
12. Where is the auction going to be held?
A) At an auto dealership
B) In a parking lot next to city hall
C) In the eastern part of the city
D) In a parking lot in front of a bank
13. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) The buyer can view the cars prior to the auction.
B) The buyer can name their own price.
C) The buyer must have good credit.
D) The buyer can obtain loans.
Read this advertisement.
(Traditional characters)
(Simplified characters)
14. Who puts up this advertisement?
A) An international student
B) The apartment owner
C) A real estate agent
D) The college's housing service
15. What type of roommate is preferred?
A) Female college student
B) Male college student
C) Non-smoking college student
D) College student with pets
16. How much is the rent?
A) $500 per person
B) $250 per person
C) $1,000 per person
D) It depends on the size of the room.
17. What is the preferred contact time?
A) Before 3:00 pm
B) After 3:00 pm
C) At 3:00 pm
D) Around 3:00 pm
18. Where is the apartment located?
A) California
B) Oregon
C) Washington
D) Texas
Read this letter.
(Traditional characters)
(Simplified characters)
19. Why did Xiaoming come to New York?
A) To visit his father and mother
B) His family moved to New York.
C) He works in New York.
D) To visit a friend with his parents
20. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A) Xiaoming has been in New York before.
B) Xiaoming visited Time Square and the Empire State Building.
C) Xiaoming hopes to give his friend a tour.
D) Xiaoming misses his friend very much.
21. Why does Xiaoming want Dawei to visit the new World Trade Center?
A) Because the building is a landmark.
B) To admire the beautiful night view of New York
C) To visit world-class museums
D) To taste various kinds of cuisine
22. How long has Xiaoming been in New York?
A) Less than a week
B) More than a week
C) At least a month
D) Almost a year
Read this article.
(Traditional characters)
他參考了北京和哈爾濱的地理位置和城市發展歷史後發現,北京地處内陸華北平原,以紫禁城爲中心,街道像一個個方塊向外層層擴展,主要街道佈局爲東西或南北方向。而哈爾濱緊鄰松花江,由於河道彎曲,哈爾濱的街道像蜘蛛網一樣由江邊向兩岸擴展, 城市的主要街道彎彎曲曲。馬克想,也許城市規劃的不同就是那些土生土長的北京人和哈爾濱人指路時方法不同的主要原因吧。
(Simplified characters)
他参考了北京和哈尔滨的地理位置和城市发展历史后发现,北京地处内陆华北平原,以紫禁城为中心,街道像一个个方块向外层层扩展,主要街道布局为东西或南北方向。而哈尔滨紧邻松花江,由于河道弯曲,哈尔滨的街道像蜘蛛网一样由江边向两岸扩展, 城市的主要街道弯弯曲曲。马克想,也许城市规划的不同就是那些土生土长的北京人和哈尔滨人指路时方法不同的主要原因吧。
23. Beijing locals like to give directions using
A) street signs
B) “Left, right, forward, backward”
C) “East, west, north, south”
D) maps
24. Which of the following is the best description of the streets of Beijing?
A) They are twisted like a spider's web.
B) They are narrow.
C) They are straight and orderly.
D) They are twisted like a bird's nest.
25. Why do local people of Beijing and Harbin give directions in different ways?
A) Beijing is an older city than Harbin.
B) Harbin's population is larger.
C) The layout of the streets of the two cities is different.
D) Beijing is the capital of China.
Read this poster.
(Traditional characters)
(Simplified characters)
大学是人生的重要发展阶段, 选择合适的专业对于一个人今后的职业起到非常重要的作用,然而常常很难抉择。
26. What is the purpose of the seminar?
A) To inform students about possible financial aid opportunities
B) To discuss with students about the college major and its future career path
C) How to fill out the college application
D) To discuss available college scholarships
27. What will Professor Li address at the seminar?
A) His personal college experience
B) Sporting events at college
C) Analysis of current job market and college major selection
D) What student clubs are offered at college
28. Attendees will need to fill out
A) a survey about the seminar content
B) a personal preference quiz
C) a question form for Professor Li
D) an evaluation of Professor Li's speech
29. At the end of the seminar, attendees will
A) choose their preferred college major
B) select a club that suits the major they are interested in
C) consult with a college admission officer about college major choice
D) have an individual consultation meeting with Professor Li's team of college advisors
30. Where is the seminar held?
A) At an admissions office building
B) In a building at the Northeastern University of Technology and Science
C) In a building on the north east side of campus
D) At a university of technology and science
Read this story.
(Traditional characters)
(Simplified characters)
31. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) The story took place during the spring.
B) A grandfather and his grandson went to visit their relatives.
C) People were selling books at the market.
D) A father and son went shopping with a donkey.
32. Why did the townspeople complain when they saw the boy riding the donkey?
A) The boy was too heavy.
B) The boy should let his grandfather ride the donkey.
C) The donkey was tired.
D) The grandfather was upset.
33. The grandfather got on the donkey because
A) he was tired
B) he was upset with the boy
C) he thought that was what the townspeople wanted him to do
D) he thought the donkey was strong enough to carry him
34. Why did both the boy and the grandfather get on the donkey?
A) The donkey was refreshed from a rest.
B) The townspeople wanted to take the donkey away.
C) The townspeople complained that nobody was using the donkey.
D) Both the boy and grandfather were tired.
35. What did the boy and grandfather do with the donkey in the end?
A) They sold it on the market.
B) They walked the donkey home.
C) They carried the donkey home by a stick.
D) They both rode the donkey home.
Section II: Free Response
Part A: Writing (Story Narration and E-mail Response)
Note: In this part of the exam, the student may NOT move back and forth among questions.
Writing Part Directions
You will be asked to perform two writing tasks in Chinese. In each case, you will be asked to write for a specific purpose and to a specific person. You should write in as complete and as culturally appropriate a manner as possible, taking into account the purpose and the person described.
Presentational Writing: Story Narration (15%, 15 minutes)
The four pictures present a story. Imagine you are writing the story for a friend. Narrate a complete story as suggested by the pictures. Give your story a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Interpersonal Writing: E-mail Response (10%, 15 minutes)
Read this e-mail from a friend and then type a response.
(Traditional characters)
(Simplified characters)
Part B: Speaking (Conversation and Cultural Presentation)
Note: In this part of the exam, you may NOT move back and forth among questions.

Speaking Part Directions: Conversation
You will participate in a simulated conversation. Each time it is your turn to speak, you will have 20 seconds to record. You should respond as fully and as appropriately as possible.
There will be six times when it is your turn to speak.
Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation (10%, 4 minutes)
You will have a conversation with Xiaofan, your classmate, about your plan of SAT study during the summer vacation.

Speaking Question 1 of 7
1. Record your answer. (20 seconds)
Speaking Question 2 of 7
2. Record your answer. (20 seconds)
Speaking Question 3 of 7
3. Record your answer. (20 seconds)
Speaking Question 4 of 7
4. Record your answer. (20 seconds)
Speaking Question 5 of 7
5. Record your answer. (20 seconds)
Speaking Question 6 of 7
6. Record your answer. (20 seconds)
Speaking Part Directions: Cultural Presentation
You will be asked to speak in Chinese on a specific topic. Imagine you are making an oral presentation to your Chinese class. First, you will read and hear the topic for your presentation. You will have 4 minutes to prepare your presentation. Then you will have 2 minutes to record your presentation. Your presentation should be as complete as possible.
Presentational Speaking: Cultural Presentation (15%, 7 minutes)
Speaking Question 7 of 7
7. Name a Chinese movie that has left a lasting impression on you. What aspects of Chinese culture did it present? Why did you find this movie memorable? In your presentation, describe this movie and explain its significance.
You have four minutes to prepare your presentation. (240 seconds)
You have two minutes to record your presentation. (120 seconds)