Editorial Board for International Standard Library of Chinese Medicine

Executive Directors
Li Zhen-ji (李振吉)
Vice Chairman and Secretary-general, WorldFederation of Chinese Medical Societies, Beiing,China
Hu Guo-chen (胡国臣)
President and Editor-in-Chief, People’s MedicalPublishing House, Beiing, China
You Zhao-ling (尤昭玲)
Former President and Professor of ChineseMedical Gynecology, Hunan University ofTCM, Changsha, China
Xie Jian-qun (谢建群)
President and Professor of Chinese InternalMedicine, Shanghai University of TCM,Shanghai, China
General Coordinator
Liu Shui (刘水)
Director of International TCM Publications, People’s Medical Publishing House, Beiing, China
Members (Listed alphabetically by last name)
Chang Zhang-fu (常章富)
Professor Chief Physician, Beiing University ofCM, Beiing, China
Chen Hong-feng (陈红风), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of Chinese External Medicine,Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai, China
Chen Jia-xu (陈家旭), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of TCM Diagnostics, Beiing Universityof CM, Beiing, China
Chen Ming (陈明), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of Shāng Hán Lùn, Beiing Universityof CM, Beiing, China
Cui Hai (崔海), Ph.D. TCM
Associate Professor of TCM, Capital MedicalUniversity, Beiing, China
Deng Zhong-jia (邓中甲)
Professor of Chinese Medicinal Formulae,Chengdu University of TCM, Chengdu, China
Ding Xiao-hong (丁晓红)
Associate Professor of Tui Na, InternationalEducation College, Nanjing University of TCM,Nanjing,China
Douglas Eisenstark, L.Ac.
Professor of Chinese Medicine, Emperor’sCollege, Los Angeles, USA
Stephen X. Guo (郭鑫太), M.A. InternationalAffairs
Director of Jande International, New York, USA
Han Chou-ping (韩丑萍)
Associate Professor, International Education College,Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai, China
Hu Jun (胡俊), B.A. Medical English
Currently Pursuing Master’s of Science inSocial History of Medicine, Peking University,Beiing, China
Hu Ke-xin (胡克信), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Keelung CityMunicipal Hospital, Taiwan, China
Hu Zhen (胡臻)
Professor and Head of Department of TraditionalChinese Medicine, Wenzhou Medical College,Wenzhou, China
Huang Fei-li (黄霏莉)
Professor of Cosmetology, Hong Kong BaptistUniversity, Hong Kong, China
Russell William James, M.S. TCM
IELTS ExaminerMarker, Beiing, China
Jia De-xian (贾德贤), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of Chinese Materia Medica, BeijingUniversity of CM, Beiing, China
Jin Hong-zhu (金宏柱)
Professor of AcupunctureTui Na, NanjingUniversity of TCM, Nanjing, China
Lao Li-xing (劳力行), Ph.D.
Professor and Director, School of ChineseMedicine, The University of Hong Kong, HongKong, China
Adjunct Professor, Center for Integrative Medicine,University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, USAPast Co-President of the Society for AcupunctureResearch
Vice President, World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion SocietiesWFAS
Hon K. Lee (李汉光), Dipl. OM, L.Ac.
Director of the Jow Ga Shaolin Institute,Herndon, Virginia, USA
Li Dao-fang (李道坊), Ph.D. TCM
President of Florida Acupuncture Association;Executive Board Director, National Federation ofChinese TCM Organizations, Kissimmee, USA
Mei Li (李梅), M.S. TOM, L.Ac.
Translator and Editor, People’s Medical PublishingHouse, Beiing, China
Li Ming-dong (李名栋), Ph.D. OMD, L.Ac.
Professor of Chinese Internal Medicine, Yo SanUniversity of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Los Angeles, USA
Li Wan-ling (李云宁)
Qi Gong and TCM Translator, Beiing, China
Liang Li-na (梁丽娜), Ph.D. TCM
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, EyeHospital of China Academy of Chinese MedicalSciences, Beiing, China
Liu Zhan-wen (刘占文)
Professor of Chinese Medicine, Beiing Universityof CM, Beiing, China
Lü Ming (吕明)
Professor of Tui Na, Changchun University ofCM, Changchun, China
Mark L. Mondot, B.A. Chinese Language,L.Ac.
Translator and Editor, People’s Medical PublishingHouse, Beiing, China
Jane Lyttleton, Hons, M Phil, Dip TCM,Cert Ac.
Lecturer, University of Western Sydney, Sydney,Australia
Julie Mulin Qiao-Wong (乔木林)
Professor of Chinese Medicine, Victoria University,Melbourne, Australia
Andy Rosenfarb, M.S. TOM, L.Ac.
Acupuncture Health Associates, New Jersey,USA
Paul F. Ryan, M.S. Dipl.OM, L.Ac. (NY,CA, China)
Acupuncture Preceptor, Lutheran Medical Center,Department of Neurology, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Martin Schweizer, Ph.D. Molecular Biology,L.Ac.
Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry,University of Utah, USA
Secondo Scarsella, MD, DDS
Visiting Professor of Tui Na, Nanjing Universityof TCM, China Department of MaxillofacialSurgery, San Salvatore Hospital, L'Aquila, Italy
Sun Guang-ren (孙广仁), M.S.TCM
Professor of TCM Fundamentals, ShandongUniversity of TCM, Jinan, China
Tsai Chun-hui, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, School ofMedicine, University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Tu Ya (图娅), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Beiing University of CM, Beiing, China
Wang Shou-chuan (汪受传)
Professor of TCM Pediatrics, Nanjing Universityof TCM, Nanjing, China
Wei Qi-ping (韦企平)
Professor of Ophthalmology, Beiing Universityof CM, Beiing
Douglas Wile, Ph.D.
Former Professor of History & Philosophy ofChinese Medicine and of Chinese Languageat Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, NewYork Professor of Chinese Language at AlvernoCollege, Milwaukee, USA
Jane Frances Wilson, M.S., L.Ac.
Senior Lecturer of School of Life Sciences,University of Westminster, London, UK
Xiao Ping (肖平)
Associate Professor, Hunan University of TCM,Changsha, China
Xu Shi-zu (徐士祖), M.A. Chinese MartialArts
Chinese Traditional Sports and Health CultivationInstructor, School of Physical Education inWenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, China
Yan Dao-nan (严道南)
Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, NanjingUniversity of TCM, Nanjing, China
Ye Qiao-bo (叶俏波), Ph.D. TCM
Physician, Lecturer of Chinese Medicinal Formulas,Chengdu University of TCM, Chengdu, China
Zhang Ji (张吉)
Professor of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Beiing University of CM, Beiing, China
Zhang Ji (张季), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of Chinese Materia Medica, Emperor’sCollege of Oriental Medicine, AlhambraUniversity, Dongguk University, Los Angeles,USA
Helen Q. Zhang (张齐), Ph.D. TCM, L.Ac.
Director of Qi TCM Clinic, New York, USA
Zhang Qing-rong (张庆荣)
Professor of TCM Fundamentals, LiaoningUniversity of TCM, Shenyang, China
Zhao Bai-xiao (赵百孝), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,
Dean, School of Acupuncture, Moxibustion andTui Na, Beiing University of CM, China
Zhao Xia (赵霞), Ph.D. TCM
Professor of TCM Pediatrics, NanjingUniversity of TCM, Nanjing, China
Zhou Gang (周刚), Ph.D. TCM
Lecturer of Shāng Hán Lùn, Beiing Universityof CM, Beiing, China
Greg Zimmerman, M.S., L.Ac.
Acupuncturist, Yi An Chinese Medicine Clinic,Irvine, CA, USA
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World Federation of Chinese Medical Societies