- 国家工业遗产(第三批)(汉英对照)
- 中国工业报社主编
- 1149字
- 2025-02-21 07:06:45
The First Modern Banknote Printing Enterprise in China
Section one: History
坐落于北京南城白纸坊地区的北京印钞有限公司(以下简称 “北钞”)建成于1908年,其前身为清政府度支部印刷局,是中国第一家官办现代化印钞企业,也是中国最早印制邮票的企业。中国第一张采用现代化钢凹版雕刻印刷技术设计印刷的钞票——大清银行兑换券就诞生于此。它在建立之初,从美国引进了当时世界上最为先进的钢凹版雕刻印刷技术和印刷设备,聘请美国著名雕刻技师海趣等人来华设计纸币、传授技艺,印刷局的规模样式则仿照 “美京国立印刷局”设计建造。
Located in Bai Zhifang area of the southern part of Beijing, Beijing Banknote Printing Co.,Ltd.(BBPC) was established in 1908,whose predecessor was The Printing Bureau of the Board of Appropriation Budge of the Qing government.It was the first modern banknote printing enterprise in China.It was the place where the first banknote designed and printed with modern steel intaglio engraving printing in China was born.It was also the earliest enterprise to print stamps in China.At the beginning of its establishment,it introduced the most advanced steel intaglio engraving printing technology and equipment from the United States,and employed eminent American carving technician Lorenzo J.Hatch and others to come to China to design paper money and teach the technique.The scale and style of the Printing Bureau were modeled on the design and construction of the “U.S.national printing office”.
Since the People's Republic of China was founded,BBPC has made outstanding contributions to the financial development of China in the printing realm,and has fostered a number of outstanding technological researching and design and carving personnel.They have participated in the design and printing of the first to the fifth sets of RMB.What's more,they have printed currency for more than ten countries and regions.Moreover,they also designed and printed the first plastic banknote,Commemorative Note for the New Century.
Section two: Core items
主工房大楼,钟楼,水塔,专家楼 3 栋;万能雕刻机,单针缩刻机,手扳凹印机。
Main workshop building,bell tower,water tower,3 expert buildings; universal engraving machine,single needle engraving machine,hand operated gravure printing machine.

办公大楼。工字大楼由美国米拉奔公司设计、日商华胜公司包建土木工程,1910年6月1日动工,1914年秋竣工,建筑面积12 220平方米(五层)。工字大楼于1989年由工房改为办公用房,现为北钞办公大楼。2009年重新进行了室内装修保护。
Office building.The I-shaped building was designed by an American company, Miraben,and constructed by Japanese Huasheng Company.The construction started on June 1st,1910 and was completed in the autumn of 1914.The building covers 12 220 square meters (five floors).This I-shape building was converted from a workshop into an office building in 1989,and is now the office building of BBPC.In 2009,an interior decoration protection was carried out.

Panoramic view of the front of the bell tower of BBPC.The bell tower was built in 1915.The white porch eaves outline the blue brick wall,which is similar to and matches the office building behind it and the three western style buildings on the east.

The old bell tower.

The water tower was built in 1911 by Bridge and Steel Company of Chicago,and has been preserved to this day.The structure of this building is steel-concrete .The steel pipe with a diameter of nearly 1 meter goes deep into the groundwater to pump groundwater for production and living needs,and it worked till the end of the 20th century.

Single needle engraving machine.

Hand operated gravure printing machine (exhibited in the Museum of China Banknote Printing and Minting).