- GB 50689-2011通信局(站)防雷与接地工程设计规范(英文版)
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 106字
- 2021-05-28 16:39:48
3.7 The Types of Equipotential Bonding
3.7.1 The mesh(M),star(S)and start-mesh mixed equipotential bonding of telecommunication system may be designed according to Fig.3.7.1.

Fig.3.7.1 Equipotential bonding structure of telecommunication system
____:Common earthing system of buildings;____:Equipotential bonding network;:equipment;ERP:Earthing reference point;
:Connection of equipotential bonding network and common earthing system
3.7.2 The types of equipotential bonding for the telecommunication system shall be selected according to arrangement of telecommunication equipment,area of equipment room,noise immunity of telecommunication equipment and earthing mode inside the equipment.