2.8 主要报告及图表名称 Titles of reports,figures and tables

岩矿鉴定报告 Rock and mineral identification

地震危险性分析报告 Earthquake risk analysis and assessment

地震安全性评价报告 Evaluation(Assessment)of seismic safety

地质灾害危险性评估报告 Risk assessment of geological hazard

物探报告 Geophysical prospecting report

岩土试验报告 Geotechnical test report,Report of rock and soil tests

水质分析报告 Water quality analysis

专门性工程地质问题研究报告 Report for investigation of special engineering geological problems

地下厂房洞室群围岩稳定分析及支护设计专题报告Report on stability analysis and support design of surrounding rocks of underground chambers

工程地质勘察报告 Report for engineering geological investigation

区域综合地质图 Regional comprehensive geological map

区域构造纲要图 Regional structural outline map

地貌与第四纪地质图 Geomorphologic and Quaternary geological map

枢纽区工程地质图 Engineering geologic map of project area

水库区综合地质图 Comprehensive geological map of reservoir area

坝址工程地质图 Engineering geological map of dam site

坝(闸)址基岩地质图(包括等高线图)Geological map of bed rocks at dam(sluice)site(including contour)

坝址平切面图 Horizontal section of dam site

比较坝址工程地质平面图(剖面图) Engineering geological plan (profile)of alternative dam site

推荐坝址地质横剖面图 Geological cross section(plan)of recommended dam site

坝基(防渗线)渗透剖面图 Permeability profile of dam foundation(seepage control line)

工程地质剖面 Engineering geological section

实测地质剖面图 Field-acquired geological profile

主要建筑物工程地质纵(横)剖面图Longitudinal (Transversal)geological sections of main structures

拱坝的工程地质平切图 Horizontal geologic sections of arch dam

地下厂房的工程地质平切图 Horizontal geologic sections of underground powerhouse

典型地质剖面 Typical geological profile

喀斯特区水文地质图 Hydrogeologic map of karst region

存在重大工程地质问题部位的水文地质及工程地质平面图(剖面图) Plan (Profile)of hydrogeology and engineering geology of areas with major geological problems

专门性问题工程地质图 Engineering geological map for special geological problems

历史地震震中分布图 Epicenter distribution of historical earthquakes

浸没区及防护地质图 Geological plan of immersion area and protection area

施工地质编录图 Construction geological log

筑坝材料料场位置和横剖面图 Location map and typical cross section of borrow area for embankment materials

天然建筑材料分布图 Distribution of natural construction material sources

料场综合成果图 Comprehensive investigation results for quarry and borrow areas

地层柱状图 Stratigraphic column

综合柱状图 Composite columnar section

钻孔柱状图 Borehole log,Geological log of drill hole

平洞展示图 Geological log of adit,Developed plan of adits

坝基编录图 Geologic log of dam foundation

开挖平面图 Excavation plan

竣工地质图 As-built geological map

极点图 point diagram

极点等值线图 contour plot of the poles

极点大圆图 plot of great circles

断裂极点图 pole plot of discontinuities

等密图 contour diagram

列线图(图算法) nomography

诺模图 nomogram

节理玫瑰图 joint rosette

节理极点投影图 joint polar stereonet

赤平极射投影 stereographic projection

投影网 strereonet

上半球投影 upper hemisphere projection

下半球投影 lower hemisphere projection

等角投影 equal-angle projection

等面积投影 equal-area projection

实测界线 surveyed boundary

推测界线 conjectural boundary

示坡线 slope line

坡边线 slope margin line