About the Reviewers

Rafał Borowiec is an IT specialist with about eight years of commercial experience, specializing in software testing and quality assurance, software development, project management, and team leadership.

He currently holds the position of a Team Leader at Goyello, where he is mainly responsible for building and managing teams of professional developers and testers. He is also responsible for maintaining relations with customers and acquiring new ones, mainly through consultancy.

He believes in agile project management and is a big fan of technology, especially technology that is Java related (but not limited to it). He likes sharing knowledge about software development and practices through his blog (blog.codeleak.pl) and Twitter account (@kolorobot) and also at internal and external events such as conferences or workshops.

Pawan Chopra is an Agile developer with eight years of experience in the software industry. He currently works at Webners (http://www.webnersolutions.com/) on some cool JavaScript, Java, HTML5, Node, and AngularJS projects. He is an open source enthusiast. He loves sharing knowledge through training and blogging. He is also very strong on the server side with vast experience in Spring and Hibernate tools. He blogs at www.itspawan.com.

Rubén Clemente Serna is a software engineer by profession with over eight years of experience in software development. He recently moved to the UK and is currently working as a Java Developer at Piksel, a company that creates and manages OTT video solutions for some of the world's leading media brands. Prior to Piksel, he has worked at GFI Informática in Spain on many Java development projects, mainly for telecom and government service customers.

More detailed information about his skills and experience can be found at http://www.linkedin.com/in/rubenclementeserna. He can be contacted at .