Press This

WordPress offers a neat bookmarklet called Press This. You can put it into your browser's bookmarks or favorites, and it will let you quickly write a blog post about the website you're visiting. You may have encountered this same feature as offered by Facebook, and other social networking sites.

You just have to add Press This to your browser once, and then you can use it anytime. To add the Press This link to your browser, in the wp-admin, go to the Tools page. At the top of the page is the Press This box. Just use your mouse, and drag the button up to your browser's bookmarks bar as shown in the following:

Now you can use it! For example, if you're browsing through a website and you've just read an article you'd like to mention in a blog post, just click on the Press This bookmark. A window will pop up with the post editing screen in it. You can write whatever text you want, add tags and categories, and then either save the post as a draft or publish it right away.