
  1. What does the acronym PID stand for?  Is this considered an AI software method?
  2. What is the Turing test?  Do you feel this is a valid method of assessing an artificial intelligence system?
  3. Why do you think robots have a problem in general with negative obstacles, such as stairs and potholes?
  4. In the OODA loop, what does the "orient" step do?
  5. From the discussion of Python advantages, compute the following.  You have a program that needs 50 changes tested.  Assuming each change requires one run and a recompile step to test.  A "C" Make step takes 450 seconds and a Python "run" command takes 3 seconds.  How much time do you sit idle waiting for the C compiler?
  6. What does RTOS stand for?  
  1. Your robot has the following scheduled tasks: telemetry: 10 Hz  GPS 5 Hz Inertial 50 Hz Motors 20 Hz.  What base frame rate would you use to schedule these tasks? (Hz or hertz means times per second. 3 Hz = three times per second)
  2. Given that a frame rate scheduler has the fastest task at 20 frames per second, how would you schedule a task that needs to run at seven frames per second?  How about one that runs at 3.5 frames per second?
  3. What is a blocking call function?  Why is it bad to use blocking calls in a real-time system like a robot?