Configuring Argo CD

Remember to port-forward the argocd-server:

$ kubectl port-forward -n argocd svc/argocd-server 8080:443

Then, you can just browse to https://localhost:8080 and provide the admin user's password to log in:

Configuring Argo CD is a pleasure. Its UI is very pleasant and easy to work with. It supports the Delinkcious monorepo out of the box, and there are no assumptions that each Git repository contains one application or project.

It will ask you for a Git repository to watch for changes, a Kubernetes cluster (defaults to the cluster it is installed on), and then it will try to detect the manifests in the repository. Argo CD supports multiple manifest formats and templates, such as Helm, ksonnet, and kustomize. We will introduce some of these fine tools later in this book. To keep things simple, we have configured each application with the directory that contains its raw k8s YAML manifests, which Argo CD also supports.

When all is said and done, the Argo CD is ready to go!