- 人工智能算法(卷2):受大自然启发的算法
- (美)杰弗瑞·希顿
- 485字
- 2021-01-25 17:48:46
1.4 截断选择
截断选择是最基本的选择算法之一。Heinz Muhlenbein(1993)在关于育种者遗传算法(breeder genetic algorithm)的论文中指出,截断选择需要根据适应度对种群进行分类。分类后,选择一定比例(例如1/3)的种群作为育种种群。然后从育种种群中取样潜在解,以帮助生产下一代。创建第二代的具体方法将在第2章中讨论。图1-1展示了如何将整个种群按截断选择来划分。
图1-1 截断选择
清单1-1 截断选择伪代码
def truncate_select(breeding_ratio, sorted_population)
# Sort the population. For efficiency you should move
# this outside the selection function and perform the sort
# once for each batch of selections you will perform.
# Determine the size of the breeding population.
count = len(sorted_population) * breeding_ratio
# Obtain a uniformly distributed (all numbers have
# equal probability) single random number
# between 0 and count.
index = uniform_random(0,count)
# Return the selected element.
return sorted_population [index]