- SH/T3516-2012催化裂化装置轴流压缩机-烟气轮机能量回收机组施工及验收规范(英文版)
- 中国石油化工集团公司
- 132字
- 2025-02-22 14:59:58
2 Normative References
The following references are essential to this Specification.For those with edition date,the dated versions shall be applicable to this Specification,and for those without edition date,the latest versions(including their all amendments)shall be applicable to this Specification.
GB 50484 Code for technical of construction safety in petrochemical engineering
GB 50517 Code for construction quality acceptance of metallic piping in petrochemical engineering
SH/T 3503 Regulation for technical document of construction completion for petrochemical project
SH 3510 Acceptance specification for construction quality of equipment concrete foundations in petrochemical industry
SH/T 3536 Specification for liftng in petrochemical industry
SH/T 3538 General specification for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation in petrochemical industry
SH/T 3543 Specification for process technical document of petrochemical project construction