- GB50455-2008地下水封石洞油库设计规范(英文版)
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 392字
- 2021-03-26 23:00:51
3 General Requirements
3.0.1 The engineering design capacity of each water-sealed cavern storage used to store crude oil should not be lower than 1Mm3 and the design capacity of each water-sealed cavern storage used to store an oil product should not be lower than 0.5Mm3.
3.0.2 The fire hazard categorization of oil products in water-sealed cavern storages shall comply with Table 3.0.2.
Table 3.0.2 Fire Hazard Categorization of Oil Products in Water-sealed Cavern Storages

Note:for a light diesel whose flash point is 55℃or above yet lower than 60℃,its fire hazard may be regarded as falling in the sub category A in the category ClassⅢif the operating temperatures are 40℃or below.
3.0.3 In a water-sealed cavern storage area,the surface production buildings and structures shall have the fire resistance grades specified in Table 3.0.3.
Table 3.0.3 Fire Resistance Grades of Production Buildings and Structures in Water-sealed Cavern Storage Area

Notes:1 Combustion properties and fire resistance limits of buildings and structures shall comply with the standard Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings(GB 50016).
2 Component parts of buildings and structures of the fire resistance gradeⅢshall not be made of any inflammable material.
3.0.4 The crude oil stored in a water-sealed cavern storage should be a low-pour point crude oil.
3.0.5 The design service life of each unrepairable material or equipment used in the water-sealed cavern storage should not be less than 50 years.
3.0.6 The water-sealed cavern storage and its external storage and transportation system shall have the emergency supply capability.
3.0.7 Within 50m away from the surface projection area of the water-sealed cavern storage,any building or structure that may have an impact on its stability shall not be built,and any activity that may undermine the stability and safety of the underground cavern storage shall not be carried out.
3.0.8 The hydrogedogical perimeter shall be determined according to the cavern storage area's hydrogedogical conditions.It should be at least 200m beyond its surface project area.
3.0.9 No water abstraction facilities that may change the water table of the water-sealed cavern storage shall be set up in its hydrogedogical perimeter.
3.0.10 The water-sealed cavern storage's pre-feasibility study,feasibility study,basic design,and detailed design shall be based on corresponding gedogical investigation results.