- GB50690-2011石油化工非金属管道工程施工质量验收规范(英文版)
- 住房和城乡建设部
- 169字
- 2021-04-01 14:04:23
4 Fabrication of Piping
4.0.1 No flame cutting would be allowed for pipe cut and identification shall be transplanted before the cutting was performed.
4.0.2 No flame cutting would be allowed during the pipe edge preparation.
4.0.3 Pipeline incision and groove shall comply with the following requirements:
1 Incision and groove surface should be smooth,and no such defects as crack,hierarchy,uneven or shrinkage;
2 Incision should face with the pipe axis vertical and the incision face inclined deviation(Figure 4.0.3)shall be no more than 1% of the pipe OD and shall not larger than 5mm.

Figure 4.0.3 Pipeline incision face inclined deviation
4.0.4 The glass tube and glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe construction shall be performed on the cutting day,if not,the incision should be resin protected evenly.
4.0.5 Steel frame polyethylene clad pipe should be sealed by capper after processing,making sure welding seam be smooth,evenly and fully covered the exposed steel frame.