- GB 50603-2010 钢铁企业总图运输设计规范(英文版)
- 中国冶金建设协会
- 609字
- 2021-04-01 13:59:53
10.2 Transportation Organization and Signal
10.2.1 Traffic flow organization shall be properly developed according to the mine excavation plan,stacking plan of dumping site and ore storage site and working requirements of ore dressing(crushing)plant,while attempt being made to achieve balanced traffic flow among railway stations,districts and lines of the mine.
10.2.2 Train formation shall be verified through calculation in accordance with those items specified in Table 10.2.2 while taking into account such factors as transport volume of the mine railway,type of rolling stock,technical condition of railway lines,etc.It shall be properly determined considering the carrying capacity of railway sections and stations as well as handling capacity of the mining field,ore unloading station and dumping site,and following the principle of achieving the best comprehensive efficiency for loading,conveying and unloading(dumping)operation.
Table 10.2.2 Items to be verified for train formation design

10.2.3 Trains shall be categorized as loaded ore train,loaded rock train,empty train,auxiliary train and commute train by the nature of transportation.
Auxiliary train shall include track shifting machine,track crane,material wagon,etc.
In case of single locomotive running,it shall be regarded as a complete train.
10.2.4 According to actual needs,additional pairs of auxiliary transport trains and commute trains may be provided in addition to the daily(shift)production transport train pairs determined through calculation.
10.2.5 Mine railway system shall be provided with independent and complete train dispatching and communication facilities.The railway station shall be equipped with train dispatching telephone,block telephone and administration telephone if necessary.The train dispatching telephone shall be able to reach all pertinent railway stations and districts in connection with the train operation as well as other relevant working units.
10.2.6 The train should travel under traction within the railway sections,with speed not exceeding the highest traveling speed specified in Table 10.1.3.At the time of pushing operation,speed of standard gauge train shall not exceed 25km/h,while that of narrow gauge train shall not exceed 15km/h.When the train is running on loading line of mining field and adit and unloading line of dumping site,pushing operation should be adopted,with speed of standard gauge train in the range of 10km/h-15km/h while that of narrow gauge train not exceeding 8km/h.
10.2.7 Mine railway station should be categorized as follows by nature of operation:
1 Mine station.
2 Ore unloading station(crushing station).
3 Dumping station.
4 Reloading station.
5 Take-over station(junction station).
6 Train crossing station.
7 Industrial site stations.
10.2.8 Quantity of railway lines in each station shall be determined through calculation according to the requirement for transportation capacity.
10.2.9 Repair and servicing facilities for rolling stock of mine railway system and dispatching and command center of railway transport system shall be arranged near the mine station yard.
10.2.10 Automatic blocking mode should be selected for sections of double-track railway system,and semi-automatic blocking mode be selected for sections of single-track railway system;telephone blocking mode may be selected for small sized mine railway system of which traffic is not heavy.
10.2.11 Computer control system should be provided for the mine station,ore unloading station,dumping station and take-over station of which the traffic is heavy.Original centralized electrical interlocking system may remain in use for the renovated mine.
10.2.12 Railway signal may not be foreseen for the railway and moveable railway if their service life is less than 5 years.