Question 19: How to choose the delivery method for pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19
Delivery method for pregnant women with confirmed COVlD-19 should be decided upon obstetric indications and comprehensive evaluation of disease severity.
(1) Vaginal delivery can be selected if the patient has mild symptoms, is able to have a vaginal birth and vaginal delivery can be completed with a short time.
(2) With evaluation, if vaginal delivery cannot be completed in a short time, less indications can be required for a cesarean section, with reasons as follows: ①due to reduced resistance caused by physical exhaustion during labor, COVlD-19 symptoms can be aggravated;②with prolonged labor, the difficulty of infection control will be increased with maternal hyperventilation, amniotic fluid, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge etc.; ③in case of transition to an emergency cesarean section, infection control measures are difficult to be adopted quickly and effectively, increasing the risk of spreading the virus.