- 轻化工程专业英语(染整方向)(第2版)
- 崔淑玲
- 708字
- 2021-03-25 11:08:51
1.Answering the bellowing questions by reading the text:
(1) After World War Ⅱ,which subfields of chemistry occurred to make organic chemistry grow rapidly?
(2) Why does the growth of organic chemstry primarily depended on petroleum,natural gas and coal after the twentieth century?
(3) What are the main products made from the organic raw materials come from petroleum?
2. Complete the text below. Choose no more than three words for each answer.
(1) In the end of the eighteenth century,two branches of chemistry were becoming recognized. One branch was concerned with matter obtained from natural or 1 sources and was called 2 . The other branch deal with derived from nonliving matter such as 3 ,it was called 4 . Today,the definition of organic chemistry is the chemistry of substances 5 . The ability to make new substances with predictable 6 and 7 is one of the most important characteristics of organic chemistry.
(2) The historical development of organic chemistry shows how it has changed as chemists have learned 8 and 9 about the physical and biological aspects of organic compounds. There are two ways to classify subdisciplines of organic chemistry. The one is focused on the development of the field of organic chemistry,three areas that are still important today are 10 , 11 ,and 12 .
3. Put the following passage into Chinese.
Organic compounds in contrast to inorganic chemicals which are derived from many different sources,the multitude of commercially important organic compounds are essentially derived from a single source. Nowadays in excess of 99% (by tonnage ) of all organic chemicals is obtained from crude oil (petroleum) and natural gas via petrochemical processes. This is a very interesting situation—one which has changed over the years and will change again in the future—because these same chemicals could be technically obtained from other raw materials or sources. Thus aliphatic compounds,in particular,may be produced via ethanol,which is obtained by fermentation of carbo-hydrates. Aromatic compounds on the other hand are isolated from coal-tar,which is a by product in the carbonization of coal. Animal and vegetable oils and fats are a more specialized source of a limited number of aliphatic compounds,including long-chain fatty acids such as stearic (octadecanoic) acid,CH3(CH2)16CO2H,and long-chain alcohols such as lauryl alcohol (dodecanol),CH3(CH2)11OH.
The formation of fossil fuels,i.e. oil,gas and coal reserves,takes millions of years and once used they cannot be replaced. They are therefore referred to as non-renewable resources. This contrasts with carbohydrates which,being derived from plants,can be replaced relatively quickly. A popular source is sugar-cane—once a crop has been harvested and the ground cleared,new material may be planted and harvested,certainly in less than one year. Carbohydrates are therefore described as renewable resources. The total annual production of dry plant material has been estimated as 2×1011 tonnes. Fossil fuels—natural gas,crude oil and coal—are used primarily as energy sources and not as sources of organic chemicals. For instance various petroleum fractions are used as gas for domestic cooking and heating,petrol or gasoline for automobiles,and heavy fuel oil for heating buildings or generating steam for industrial processes. Typically only around 8% of a barrel of crude oil is used in chemicals manufacture.
4.Translate the following terms into English.
学科分支 蛋白质 生物碱 煤的干馏
同分异构体 类固醇 碳水化合物 可再生能源
不对称化合物 硬脂酸 芳香族化合物 原油
核磁共振 月桂醇 有机金属 合成氨
[1] SORRELL T N. Organic Chemistry [M]. 2nd ed. California: University Science Books,1999.
[2] CAREY F A. Organic Chemistry [M]. 3rd ed. Columbus: The McGraw-Hill Companies,1996.