第9章 The Little Boat That Sailed Through Time——Arnold Berwick
- 英语美文口袋书:情感篇
- 王赟 吕颖 倪楠主编
- 2153字
- 2019-11-20 16:22:09
I spent the tenth summer of my childhood,the most memorable months of my life,in western Norway at the mountain farm where my mother was born.What remains most vivid in my mind are the times Ishared with my Grandfather Jorgen.
As an American,I always thought people simply bought whatever they needed.Whether Grandfather knew this,I don't know.But it seems he wanted to teach me something,because one day he said,“Come.I have something for you.”
I followed him into the basement,where he led me to aworkbench by awindow.“You should have atoy boat.You can sail it at Storvassdal,”he said,referring to asmall lake afew miles from the house.
Swell,I thought,looking around for the boat.But there was none.
Grandfather picked up ablock of wood,about18inches long.“The boat is in there,”he said.“You can bring it out.”Then he handed me arazor-sharp ax.
I wasn't sure what to do,so Grandfather showed me how to handle the tool.I started to chop away to shape the bow.Later,after he taught me the proper use of hammer and chisel,I began to hollow out the hull.
“It'll be afine boat,and you'll be making it all with your own hands,”he said.“No one can give you what you do for yourself.”The words rang in my head as Iworked.
Finally Ifinished the hull and made amast and sail.The boat wasn't much to look at,but Iwas proud of what Ihad built.
I launched my boat and daydreamed while aslight breeze carried the little craft to an opposite shore.The air was crisp and clean.There was no sound but the occasional warble of abird.
A crisis developed when we were ready to return to America.“You cannot bring that boat home with you,”my mother said.We already had too much baggage.
With saddened heart,I went to Storvassdal for the last time,found alarge boulder,placed my boat in ahollow space under its base,piled stones to hide it and resolved to return one day to recover my treasure.
In the summer of1964,I went to Norway with my parents and my wife and children.I shall never forget that moment.As Icradled the boat,I felt my grandfather's presence.He had died22years before,and yet he was there.We three were together again—Grandfather and me and little boat.
My last trip to Storvassdal was in1991.This time Ibrought two of my granddaughters from America:Catherine,13,and Claire,12.As we climbed the mountain,I thought of my grandfather and compared his life with that of my granddaughters.My grandfather seemed to have so little to work with,while my granddaughters have so much.
Usually the things we dream of,then work and struggle for,are what we value most.Have my granddaughters,blessed with abundance,been denied life's real pleasures?
Working tirelessly on that isolated farm,my grandfather taught me that we should accept and be grateful for what we have—whether it be much or little.We must bear the burdens and relish the joys.There is so much we cannot control,but we must try to make things better when we are able.We must depend upon ourselves to make our own way as best we can.
Growing up in acomfortable suburban home,my granddaughters have been presented with adifferent situation.But Ihope—I believe—they will in their own way be able to cope as well as my grandfather coped,and learn the lesson my grandfather taught me all those years ago.On the day Itook them to Storvassdal,I hoped they would somehow understand the importance of the little boat and its simple message of self-reliance.
High in the mountain,I hesitated to speak lest Idisturb our tranquility.Then Claire looked up and broke my reverie as she said softly,“Grandpa,someday I'll comeback.”She paused.“And I'll bring my children.”
(金微 译)
razor-sharp adj. 非常锋利的
chisel n. 凿子
crisp adj. 脆的;新鲜的;易碎的
warble n. 鸟鸣
boulder n. 巨型原石
tranquility n. 宁静,安静
① No one can give you what you do for yourself.自己动手,比谁都强。
② I launched my boat and daydreamed while aslight breeze carried the little craft to an opposite shore.The air was crisp and clean.There was no sound but the occasional warble of abird.我把小船放进湖里。微风吹拂,将小船送到对岸,我不禁悠然神往。空气清新洁净。四周静悄悄的,偶尔有一两声鸟鸣。
③ Working tirelessly on that isolated farm,my grandfather taught me that we should accept and be grateful for what we have—whether it be much or little.We must bear the burdens and relish the joys.外公在那个偏僻的农场孜孜不倦地干活,他教导我应该随遇而安,知足常乐——不论是多是少。我们必须吃苦耐劳,乐观快活。