Y. Aoshima
Director and Representative, UNESCO Office Beijing
In 1972,the General Conference of UNESCO adopted the“Convention Concerning the Pro-tection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage”(commonly known as the“World Heritage Con-vention”)to address our common responsibility to safeguard the collective wealth and treasured memory of humanity through organization and planning, and to show respect for the history, tra-ditions and achievements of all civilizations. Since the adoption of the World Heritage Conven-tion,754 cultural heritage and natural heritage from all over the world have been inscribed on the“World Heritage List”.China ratified the World Heritage Convention in 1985.As a country with a long history of civilization and profound cultural traditions, China has already contributed 29 sites to the“World Heritage List”since its accession to the Convention, ranking third among UNESCO Member States.Among these 29 sites,21 are Cultural Heritage sites,4 are Natural Heritage sites and 4 are Mixed Heritage sites.Another 120 properties are put on the tentative list, waiting to be submitted for future nominations.
The inscription of a particular site as a World Heritage site has two indications. On the one hand, it means that this site will henceforth enjoy a certain privilege, which can be expressed in increased tourist attraction and financial advantage.On the other hand, it indicates serious obli-gation for the national government, the local authorities and local residents to better protect and share with the world their own heritage, which from now on will also be recognized as a common heritage of mankind.
China has made great achievements in preserving its cultural and natural heritage. Howev-er, there is still room for improvement in the site management as there are some problems emer-ging.UNESCO embraces China's effort in safeguarding mankind's common heritage and encoura-ges it in the fight against existing problems.The UNESCO Funds-in-Trust projects financed by the Japanese Government on the preservation and conservation of Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang,a World Heritage site, and on the preservation and restoration of Kumtura Thousand Buddha Ca-ves near Kuqa, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, are actual proofs of UNESCO's mission to assist China in better preserving the cultural relics produced in the course of its age-old civilization.
As the heir to cultural and historical traditions and the main force in building the future of the world, young people play a crucial role in the protection of World Heritage. I am confident that the publication of the textbook“World Heritage”marks another important step in the pro-tection and promotion of World Heritage in China.It will build pride in young people of their own cultural identity, enhance their understanding and appreciation of World Heritage as a com-mon treasure of mankind, and raise awareness among youth to protect and promote World Herit-age.On behalf of UNESCO, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the experts and staff who have contributed to the compilation and publication of this book.
I hope that this book will gain support and recognition from relevant people in all disci-plines, and greatly contribute to our joint effort in protecting and passing on our common heritage to future generations.

Director and Representative
UNESCO Office Beijing