- 新HSK词汇精讲精练(四级)
- 刘云 姜安
- 1617字
- 2020-07-09 19:50:55
Unit 01
爱情 安排 安全 按时 按照 百分之 棒 保护 包子 保证 抱 抱歉
搭配:爱情电影a love movie;爱情故事a love story
例句:我希望得到一份真正的爱情。I hope I can get a true love.
她想和男朋友一起看这部爱情电影。She wants to watch this love movie with her boyfriend.
搭配:安排工作to arrange some work;节目安排to arrange a program
例句:她安排小王去机场接北京来的客人。She arranged Xiao Wang to pick up guests from Beijing at the airport.
王玲的表演安排在第二个,你看可以吗?Wang Ling’s performance is arranged as the second.How do you like it?
搭配:注意安全be safe;交通安全road safety
例句:食品安全非常重要。Food security is extremely important.
你一定要注意安全,保护好自己。Be careful and take good care of yourself.
搭配:按时完成to finish sth on schedule;按时吃药to take medicine on time
例句:老师要求我们按时到校,不要迟到。The teacher asks us to arrive at school on time and not to be late.
运动会的所有准备工作都会按时完成。All preparations for the sports meeting will be finished on schedule.
搭配:按照规定according to the rules;按照计划according to the plan
例句:按照公司安排,赵强明天要去北京参加会议。According to the company’s arrangement,Zhao Qiang will go to Beijing to attend the meeting tomorrow.
按照计划,我今天本来应该在家休息的。According to the plan,I should have had a rest at home today.
搭配:百分之十ten percent;百分之百100percent
例句:谁也不能百分之百保证,王东今天一定来。Nobody can be100percent sure that Wang Dong will come today.
她大约只有百分之一的机会可以活下去。She perhaps only has a slim chance to survive.
搭配:太棒了!Terrific;Great;Lovely!;真棒!Well done;That’s great!
例句:你的办法太棒了。Your idea is so great.
真棒!你又得了第一。Nice!You’ve got the first prize one more time.
搭配:菜包子vegetable-stuffed buns;肉包子meat-stuffed buns
例句:我买两个菜包子和四个肉包子。I’ve bought two vegetable-stuffed buns and four meatstuffed buns.
这家饭店的包子味道很不错。The stuffed buns in this restaurant are tasty.
搭配:保护措施protection measures;保护眼睛to protect one’s eyes
例句:保护眼睛要从小做起。We should start to protect our eyes from childhood.
保护环境是我们的责任。It is our duty to protect the environment.
搭配:保证质量to guarantee the quality of sth;保证完成to guarantee the completion of
例句:他向老师保证,以后一定会认真完成作业。He assures the teacher that he will finish his work carefully from now on.
你看到桌上的那张质量保证书了吗?Did you see that quality certificate on the desk?
搭配:抱着孩子to hold the child in the arms;抱着书to hold some books
例句:她抱着几本书,低着头进了教室。She was holding some books,kept her head down and went into the classroom.
你去办公室,把作业本都抱过来。Go to the office and bring the workbooks for me, please.
搭配:十分抱歉be very sorry about sth;非常抱歉be extremely sorry about sth
例句:对于今天的事情,她觉得很抱歉。She is very sorry about what happened today.
我真是抱歉,这么晚了才打电话给你。I’m very sorry for calling you so late.
A爱情 B安排 C安全 D按时 E按照 F百分之
1.张红第一次出远门,妈妈很不放心,让她路上一定要注意( )。
2.她喜欢看( )电影。
3.( )王玲的要求,校长安排她去教三年级的数学。
4.他放假前已经把自己的工作全都( )好了。
5.A:我们终于( )完成了这么多的工作,真是不容易啊。
B:不大,( )一的可能性都没有。
A包子 B保护 C保证 D棒 E抱歉 F抱
7.她刚( )着孩子上楼去了。
8.动物是人类的好朋友,我们要( )它们。
9.他的汉语非常( ),常有人请他当翻译。
10.真是非常( ),我今天还有其他的事情。
B:你放心,我( )会安全到那儿的。
B:( ),这是中国的传统美食。
1.可以 作用 安全带 保护的 起到___________________________________________
2.二十分钟 保证 我 到公司 提前___________________________________________
3.你应该 说一声 向他 我觉得 抱歉__________________________________________
4.经理的 不太满意 王红 对 这种安排_______________________________________
5.来了 怎么 你 一个篮球 抱着_____________________________________________
