- 经济管理前沿(第5卷)(英文版)
- 刘金全
- 303字
- 2020-08-29 05:50:44
1 Introduction
According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, there were 274 million migrant workers in 2014. The new generation of migrant workers who were born after the 1980s accounted for about 70 percent of the total migrant workers. Compared with the older generation of migrant workers, the new generation of migrant workers has a greater demand for self-realization and a stronger desire of urbanization. The entrepreneurship is an effective way to promote the development of urbanization. Encouraging the new generation of migrant workers to start entrepreneurial activities cannot only effectively expedite the transfer of surplus labor force, realize the peasant workers’ urbanization, but also can adjust the industrial structure and achieve coordinated development of urban and rural economies.
Entrepreneurship is a product of the market economy; individual entrepreneurial behavior is a driving force to promote entrepreneurship and economic development. Many scholars use a cognitive perspective to study individual entrepreneurial behavior and analyze the relationship between entrepreneurial cognition and entrepreneurial decision. The evaluation and cognition of entrepreneurial information and opportunities play a decisive role in the process of decision-making (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). Entrepreneurs’ subjective perception of entrepreneurial feasibility and entrepreneurial scheme evaluation are important symbols of business decisions (Tang Jing et al., 2007). Existing studies mostly focus on the current situation and problems of migrant workers’ entrepreneurship, the relationship among entrepreneurial awareness, personal qualities, information resources and entrepreneurial activity (Han Jun & Cui Chuanyi, 2008). However, the new generation of migrant workers has a unique cognition about the entrepreneurial environment, resources and opportunities, which also affect their entrepreneurial decisions. Therefore, this paper chooses the new generation of migrant workers as the research object, explores the role of entrepreneurial cognition in entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial decision and build the theoretical framework for further studies of the relationship.