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- 2020-06-25 10:28:19
Thank You, Mrs. Price

I remember her words, almost as if they were spoken yesterday.
Mrs. Mabel Price, our high school counselor in that little town of Westminster, in Western Maryland, said, “You belong in college, and I'm going to do everything I can to get you there.”
For me, college was something out of the question, something on a far-distant planet, something only privileged people did. I said, “I can't go to college. I don't have the money. There's no way I could afford it. I'm going to enlist in the Navy.”
Even though I was graduating at the top of my class in that small town, and I enjoyed the experience of learning and thinking, I was conditioned by a long tradition of experience in my family. We were people of decidedly limited means, and three of my four older brothers had gone off to join the military.
“A military career is a perfectly respectable way of life,” she said, “but you have a gift that can make a difference in the world. I want you to continue your education. I think I can get you into Johns Hopkins University. And I'm working on the money. Don't worry.”
And, work on it she did. Suddenly, I was off to college.
One day I was walking from the parking lot on the campus to my first class, talking with my friend and classmate, and we passed by a group of men who were digging a deep ditch. Suddenly, I knew why I was in college. She was right—I had been given a gift that could take me to wonderful places. I decided then and there that I preferred to make my living with my brain rather than my back. I had been given an option they didn't have: an education.
Some years ago, as I mused on the experience for the umpteenth time, it occurred to me: “Maybe I could locate Mrs. Price. Maybe she's still living in Westminster. I could go back there and visit her, bring her a gift, and really let her know how much I appreciate what she had done for me.”
So, I began to search online for clues about where she might be. I soon discovered her obituary, published in the Baltimore Sun and dated October 8, 2001.
I suppose the lesson for me in this story—or one of the lessons—is this: If you love someone; if you appreciate them; if you're grateful to them—tell them now. One day it will be too late.
Well… anyway… Mrs. Price, wherever you are—Thank You.
counselor [ˈkaʊnsələ(r)] n. 辅导员;顾问
【拓】tutor [ˈtjuːtə(r)] n. 导师
privileged [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd] a. 享有特权的
【拓】privilege [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] n. 特权
enlist [ɪnˈlɪst] v. 从军,入伍
【拓】recruit [rɪˈkruːt] v. 招募(新兵)
umpteenth [ˌʌmpˈtiːnθ] a. 第无数次的
【拓】numerous [ˈnjuːmərəs] a. 许多的
appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt] v. 感激;欣赏
【拓】grateful [ˈɡreɪtfl] a. 感谢的
obituary [əˈbɪtʃuəri] n. 讣告
【拓】pass away 去世
1 out of the question 不可能的,办不到的;不予考虑的
【例】That would certainly be extremely hard for them, but it's not out of the question. 那对于他们来说很难,但是也并非不可能。
2 be grateful to 感谢,感激
【例】This prize means a lot to me. I'm really grateful to everyone who helped me throughout the years. 获得这个奖对我来说意义重大。我真诚感谢这些年所有帮助过我的人。