- 英语四、六级词组辨析手册
- 张立丽 余富林 汤朝菊 黄红霞
- 802字
- 2022-08-30 15:25:26
2 a bale of; a box of; a bundle of; a pack of; a package of; a packet of
● 本组词组介词一般表“一包”之意,a box以容积表数量,其他以形状表数量。
● a bale of一般指用帆布捆成的“一大包”货物,如:He went out with a bale of paper in his hand.(他拎着一大捆纸出去了。)There is a bale of cotton yarn in the way.(有一包棉纱挡住了道路。)A bale of paper may be worth 500 dollars.(一大包纸可值 500美元。)There are bales of cotton on the factory floor.(工厂地面上放着大包大包的棉花。)
● a box of多指盒装的“一包” “一盒”东西。如:I gave her two boxes of oranges.(我给了她两箱橘子。)A free box of fried chicken can abandon her complaint.(一盒免费的油炸鸡就会使她不再抱怨。)He gave every one of the girls a box of chocolates.(他给这些女孩每人一盒巧克力。)He was looking about for a box of paints.(他东瞧西看地找一盒颜料。)
● a bundle of多指中间用绳子等捆在一起的“一包”东西。如:She brought a bundle of hay here.(他拿来一捆稻草。)The bundle of old clothes was insecurely tie.(这包旧衣服捆得不牢。)May I help you with two bundles of clothes?(我帮你拿两包衣服好吗?)“What are you carrying?” “A bundle of clothes.”(“你背的什么?” “一包衣服。”)
● a pack of常指“一小包” “一小盒”东西,多指香烟等。常可与a package of, a packet of互换。如:She took a pack of [a package of, a packet of] cigarette from her packet.(她从口袋里取出一包香烟。)They wanted to buy a pack of cards to kill time on the train.(他们想买一副纸牌在火车上消磨时间。)
The boy bought three packs of gum.(那男孩买了三包口香 糖。)Also there are eighteen packs of prime beaver at the warehouse.(仓库里还有十八包上等海狸皮。)
● a package of多指中小型的“一包”。如:He carried a large package of books under his arm.(他夹着一大包书。)She took out a package of cigarettes and lit one to puff at.(她拿出一包香烟,点燃一根抽了起来。)Somebody must have had them. Two packages of razor blades don’t run away and hide.(一 定有人动过,两包刀片不会自己跑掉藏起来。)How much is this package of detergent? (这包清洁剂多少钱?)
● a packet of多指“一小包” “一小捆”东西。如:The little boy, Johnny, had been up with two packets of mints.(小男孩约翰尼也上楼来过,送来两包糖。)With that he produced a pocket of silver from his pouch.(说着,他从钱袋里掏出一包银子。)
● 以上表示“包”的a box of, a pack of, a package of, a pocket of常可互换,甚至还可与上一组的a sack of互换。