Word List 3


apparent [əˈpærənt]


记  联想记忆:ap + parent(父母) →父母对儿女的爱显而易见→明显的

例  There were some apparent exceptions to the general correlation observed between adenosine-receptor binding and stimulation.

appeal [əˈpiːl]

n.呼吁(earnest plea);吸引力(attraction)v.吸引;上诉(accuse)

记  词根记忆:ap + peal(=pull拉) →拉过去→吸引

例  The state legislature need not heed(留意)the appeals of the protesting students. // The case of sex discrimination has been appealed from a lower court.

appendicitis [əˌpendəˈsaɪtɪs]

n.阑尾炎,盲肠炎(inflammation of the vermiform appendix)

例  Patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed.

appetite [ˈæpɪtaɪt]

n.食欲(desire to eat);欲望(any of the instinctive desires)

记  来自拉丁语appetere, ap + peter(寻找,尝试) + e →寻找、尝试是因为欲望

例  stimulate/inhibit the appetite刺激/抑制食欲

派  appetizing(a.美味可口的,促进食欲的)

appliance [əˈplaɪəns]


记  来自apply(v.运用,使用)

例  The original retail price of an appliance was 60 percent more than its wholesale cost.

applicable [əˈplɪkəbl]

a. (to)适用的,适宜的(appropriate, fitting)

记  联想记忆:appli(看作apply运用) + cable(…的) →能运用的→适用的

例  The findings are applicable to other industrial areas.

派  applicability(n.适用性)

appoint [əˈpɔɪnt]

v.任命,指派(to name officially)

记  词根记忆:ap(加强) + point(指向,指出) →指定某人做某事→任命

例  Most were already known to the chairs of the board to which they were appointed.

派  appointment(n.指定)

apportion [əˈpɔːrʃn]

v. (按比例或计划)分配(to divide and share out according to a plan)

记  词根记忆:ap(=ad做) + portion(一部分,一份) →分配

例  The city council apportions all the tax money to the different departments.

apprentice [əˈprentɪs]

n.学徒;初学者(a young person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn)

例  Some Tame Gazelle was Barbara Pym's first novel, but it does not read like an apprentice work.

派  apprenticeship(n.学徒的身份)

apprenticeship [əˈprentɪʃɪp]

n.学徒期;学徒身份(the position of apprentice)

记  词根记忆:ap + prentice(徒弟) + ship →学徒身份

例  The average length of apprenticeship for carpenters has declined significantly since 1930.


approbation [ˌæprəˈbeɪʃn]


记  词根记忆:ap(表加强) + prob(=prove证实) + ation →证实是好的→赞成

例  qualified approbation有条件的赞成

appropriate [əˈproʊpriət]

a.适当的,相称的(fitting, suitable)

记  词根记忆:ap + propri(适当的) + ate →适当的

例  The tropical wildlands that are still relatively intact do not provide appropriate habitats for reproduction.

appropriation [əˌproʊpri ˈeɪʃn]

n.拨款(money set aside by formal action for a specific use)

例  appropriations for the military services军备拨款

approval [əˈpruːvl]

n.批准;认可;赞成(an act or instance of approving)

记  来自approve(v.批准;认可;赞成)

例  Such approval is denied if the commander judges that the evidence on which the provisional arrest is based is insufficient.


approve [əˈpruːv]

v.赞成(to accept as satisfactory);批准,认可(to ratify)

记  词根记忆:ap(一再) + prove(证实) →一再证实是好的→赞成

例  The board has approved an annual salary of over one million dollars for our company's chief executive officer.

派  disapprove(v.不同意); approval(n.赞成;批准)

approximate [əˈprɑːksɪmeɪt] v.接近(to bring near) [əˈprɑːksɪmət] a.近似的,大概的(nearly correct or exact)

记  词根记忆:ap + proxim(接近) + ate →接近的→近似的

例  In 1982 the approximate average cost of operating a subcompact car for 10,000 miles was $3,400.

派  approximation(n.近似值); approximately(ad.近似地,大约)

aquarium [əˈkweriəm]

n.水族馆;养鱼池(artificial pond where live fish and other water creatures are kept)

记  词根记忆:aqua(水) + rium →水族馆

例  Feeding hours at the aquarium are popular with the children.

aquatic [əˈkwætɪk]

a.水的,与水有关的(relating to water)

记  词根记忆:aqua(水) + tic →水的

例  aquatic animals水生动物


arable [ˈærəbl]

a.可耕的(suitable for plowing)

记  词根记忆:ar(耕种) + able →可耕的

例  arable lands耕地

arbitrary [ˈɑːrbətreri]

a.任意的,主观的(depending on individual discretion)

记  词根记忆:arbit(判断) + rary →自作判断的→主观的

例  Taxes were irregular in timing and arbitrary in amount. // This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice.

同根词:arbitrator(n.仲裁人); arbitration(n.仲裁,公断)

arboreal [ɑːr ˈbɔːriəl]

a.树木的(of or like a tree);栖息在树上的(inhabiting or frequenting trees)

记  词根记忆:arbor(树) + eal →树木的

例  Their cardiovascular system is not as complicated as that of arboreal snakes.

arch [ɑːrtʃ]

n.拱形;拱门(a typically curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support)a.调皮的,淘气的(playful in a deliberate way)

例  an arch smile archaeological [ˌɑːrkiəˈlɑːdʒɪkl]

a.考古学的(the scientific study of material remains of past human life and activities)

记  来自archaeology(n.考古学)

例  They tend to reflect archaeological evidence that has become outdated.


archaeologist [ˌɑːrki ˈɑːlədʒɪst]

n.考古学家(scientists that study material remains of past human life and activities)

记  词根记忆:archae(古) + olog(y)(学科) + ist(表人) →考古学家

例  Archaeologists deal with priceless objects every day.


archaeology [ˌɑːrki ˈɑːlədʒi]

n.考古学(study of ancient civilizations by scientific analysis of physical remains found in the ground)

记  词根记忆:archae(古) + ology(学科) →考古学

例  A technique called proton-induced x-ray emission, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology and criminology.

派  archaeologist(n.考古学家); archaeological(a.考古学的)

archenemy [ˌɑːtʃˈenəmɪ]

n.天敌;主要敌人(a principal enemy)

记  词根记忆:arch(主要的) + enemy(敌人) →天敌;主要敌人

例  The wolf remains the archenemy of cattle and sheep.

architect [ˈɑːrkɪtekt]

n.建筑师,设计师(person who designs buildings)

记  联想记忆:archi(看作archy统治) + tect(遮蔽) →统治建造人类蔽身之所的人→建筑师

例  A prolific architect worked from the turn of the century until the late 1950's.

派  architecture(n.建筑学); architectural(a.建筑的)

ardent [ˈɑːrdnt]


记  词根记忆:ard(热) + ent →热心的,热烈的

例  The president is an ardent supporter of civil affairs.

派  ardency(n.热心,热烈)

同根词:arduous(a.费力的); ardor(n.热心)

arid [ˈærɪd]

a.干旱的(very dry);荒芜的(lacking in interest and life)

例  These kinds of plants are normally found in arid regions.

派  semiarid(a.半干旱的)

aristocracy [ˌærɪ ˈstɑːkrəsi]

n.贵族政府,贵族统治(government by people of the highest social class)

记  词根记忆:aristo(最好的) + cracy(统治) →最好的统治→贵族政府


arithmetic [əˈrɪθmətɪk]

n.算术(calculations using numbers)

例  An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which each term after the first is equal to the sum of the preceding term and a constant.

array [əˈreɪ]

v.排列(to set or place in order)n.大批(large number)

例  The project calls for placing an array of light sensors at a depth of five kilometers under the ocean surface. // arrayed in parallel lines平行排列

arrest [əˈrest]

v.依法逮捕,拘留(to seize);阻止,抑制(to stop or check)

记  联想记忆:ar(加强) + rest(休息) →强制休息→拘留

例  Did the police have reasonable grounds to arrest him?

派  arrester(n.避雷器;逮捕者)

artery [ˈɑːrtəri]

n. 【医】动脉

记  词根记忆:arter(管道) + y → (体内的)管道→动脉


例  Studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods could help reverse blockage of coronary arteries.

派  arterial(a.动脉的)

arthritis [ɑːr ˈθraɪtɪs]

n.关节炎(inflammation of a joint or joints of the body)

记  词根记忆:arthr(连结;关节) + itis(炎症) →关节炎


articulate [ɑːr ˈtikjuleɪt]v.清楚地表达(to give clear and effective utterance to) [ɑːr ˈtɪkjələt] a.善于表达的(expressing oneself clearly and effectively)

记  联想记忆:articul(关节) + ate →关节之间相连,(说话)上下相连→清楚地表达

例  The manager takes action without being able to articulate reasons for that particular action. // Please practice your speech until you are more articulate.

派  articulation(n.发音;连接;关节)

artifact [ˈɑːrtɪfækt]

n.手工艺器物;文物(thing made by man, esp. of archaeological interest)

记  词根记忆:arti(技巧) + fact(做) →技巧做成的→手工艺器物

例  The museum can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts.

artificial [ˌɑːrtɪ ˈfɪʃl]

记  词根记忆:arti(=skill技术) + fic(面) + ial(…的) →在表面使用技术的→人造的

例  People who use the artificial sweetener aspartame are better off consuming sugar.

派  artificially(ad.人工地)

artisan [ˈɑːrtəzn]



记  词根记忆:arti(技巧) + san(人) →有技巧的人→手艺人

例  In ancient Thailand, much of the local artisans' creative energy was expended for the creation of Buddha images.

ascending [əˈsendɪŋ]

a.上升的(moving or going upward)

记  词根记忆:a + scend(爬) + ing →向上爬的→上升的

例  ascending order升序

ascribe [əˈskraɪb]

v. (to)归于,归因于(to credit)

记  词根记忆:a(向) + scribe(写) →写在什么上面→归于

例  Productivity should be ascribed to categories of workers, not to individuals.

aspect [ˈæspekt]

n. (问题等的)方面(a particular status or phase in which sth. appears or may be regarded);面貌,外表(appearance)

记  词根记忆:a+spect(看) →看向的地方→ (问题等的)方面

例  It explains why one aspect of anole lizard species' habitat use has been difficult to account for.

同根词:expect(n./v.期待); inspect(v.检查)

aspen [ˈæspən]

n.白杨(a type of poplar tree, with leaves that move even when there is very little wind)a.类似白杨的

记  联想记忆:as + pen(笔) →像笔一样直的树木→白杨

例  The leaves of the aspen tree that leaned past the window flickered in the breeze.

aspersion [əˈspɜːrʒn]


记  词根记忆:a + spers(散开) + ion →散布坏东西→诽谤

例  I resent your casting aspersions on my brother and his ability!

aspiration [ˌæspəˈreɪʃn]


记  来自aspire(v.渴望,抱负)

例  Employers assumed that women's "real" aspirations were for marriage and family life.


assemble [əˈsembl]

v.集合(to gather);装配(to fit together the parts of)

记  词根记忆:as(加强) + semble(类似) →物以类聚→集合

例  A group of store managers must assemble 280 displays(显示器)for an upcoming sale.

派  assembler(n.装配工); assembly(n.组装,装配); disassembly(n.分解,拆卸)

assembler [əˈsemblər]

n.汇编程序(a computer program that automatically converts instructions written in assembly language into machine language);装配工(one that assembles)

记  来自assemble(v.集合;聚集)

例  The average number of hours it takes a Borodian television assembler to assemble a television has not decreased significantly during the past three years.


assert [əˈsɜːrt]

v.断言(to affirm);声称(to declare)

记  词根记忆:as + sert(插入) →强行插入观点→断言

例  One argument against my contention asserts that, by nature, textbooks are culturally biased.

派  self-assertion(n.自作主张;专断)

assertion [əˈsɜːrʃn]


记  来自assert(v.声明;坚持)

例  Such an assertion ignores critical differences between seventeenth-century England and New England.

assess [əˈses]

v.估计(to determine the importance, size, or value of);评价(to evaluate)

例  Differences among the habitats of Lepidoptera species make it difficult to assess the effects of weather on them.

派  assessment(n.确定,评定)

asset [ˈæset]


例  intangible assets无形资产// physical assets有形资产// fixed assets固定资产

assign [əˈsaɪn]

v. (to)指派(to appoint as a task);分配;归于(to ascribe)

记  词根记忆:as + sign(签名,做记号) →记下某人做某事→指派

例  The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. // the role assigned by society // Under Mr. Harel's system, each business must assign a value to each job.

派  assignment(n.任务;分配)

assist [əˈsɪst]

n.帮助(an act of assistance)v.参加,出席(to be present as a spectator);帮助,促进(to give support or aid)

记  联想记忆:as + sist(站立) →站在你这边→帮助

例  They were rarely allowed to assist master tailors in the production of men's clothing.

派  assistance(n.援助,帮助)

associate [əˈsoʊʃiət] a.联合的(joined)n.合伙人(partner; colleague) [əˈsoʊʃieɪt] v.将人或事物联系起来(to join people or things together)

记  联想记忆:as(加强) + soci(看作social社会的,交际的) + ate(做) →进行社交(的人) →合伙人

例  Most customers associate shopping carts with low-quality discount stores.

派  association(n.协会,联盟;联合)


association [əˌsoʊʃi ˈeɪʃn]

n.协会,联盟(an organization of persons having a common interest);联想(something linked in memory or imagination with a thing or person)

记  来自associate(v.结交;联合)

例  They made a transition from old patterns of an association to new ones.

派  associational(a.联想的;协会的)


assume [əˈsuːm]

v.假定,假设(to suppose);担任…的职位(to undertake the duties of)

记  词根记忆:as + sume(拿,取) →担任

例  It is widely assumed that a museum is helped financially when a generous patron donates a potential exhibit.

派  assumption(n.假定,假设)

assumption [əˈsʌmpʃn]

n.假定,设想(an assuming that something is true);担任(a taking to or upon oneself)

记  来自assume(v.假定,设想)

例  This claim contradicts the basic assumption of organization theory.


asteroid [ˈæstərɔɪd]

n.小行星(a small planet)

记  词根记忆:aster(星星) + oid(像…一样) →小行星

例  Scientists calculated that the asteroid, traveling at 46,000 miles an hour, is on an elliptical path.

派  asteroidal(a.星状的)

asthma [ˈæzmə]

n.哮喘(chronic chest illness causing difficulty in breathing)

例  Asthma, a bronchial condition, is a much less common aliment than hay fever.

astronomical [ˌæstrəˈnɑːmɪkl]

a.庞大的(enormously or inconceivably large or great);天文学的(of astronomy)

记  词根记忆:astro(星星) + nomical →星星的,星体的→天文学的

例  It seems likely that a number of astronomical phenomena, such as the formation of planetary nebulas, may be caused by the interaction where two stars orbit each other at close range.


astronomy [əˈstrɑːnəmi]

n.天文学(scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.)

记  词根记忆:astro(星,天体) + nomy(学科) →天文学

派  astronomical(a.天文学的)

同根词:astronaut(n.宇航员); astrophysics(n.天体物理学)

atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪr]

n.大气(the whole mass of air surrounding the earth);气氛(a surrounding influence or environment)

记  词根记忆:atmo(大气)+sphere(球体) →围绕地球的空气→大气

例  Scientists are discussing ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life.

派  atmospheric(a.大气的,大气层的)

attain [əˈteɪn]

v.达到,完成(to achieve);获得(to gain)

记  词根记忆:at + tain(拿住) →稳稳拿住→获得

例  Many European breeds of cattle attain average milk production levels exceeding 2,700 liters.

派  attainment(n.成就;到达)

attempt [əˈtempt]

n.企图,尝试(the act or an instance of attempting)v.试图,尝试(to make an effort to do, accomplish, solve)

记  词根记忆:at(加强) + tempt(尝试) →尝试,试图

例  Firms will begin to cross national borders in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage.


attendance [əˈtendəns]

n.出席,到场(the act or fact of attending);出席人数(the persons or number of persons attending)

记  来自attend(v.出席;照料)

例  Total attendance at Moviemania's movie theaters was more than 20 percent higher last year than the year before.


attendee [ˌætenˈdiː]

n.出席者,在场者(a person who is present on a given occasion or at a given place)

记  来自attend(v.参加,出席)

例  attendee party与会者晚会


attorney [əˈtɜːrni]


记  词根记忆:at + torn(转) + ey →扭转乾坤的人→律师

例  white-collar professionals such as attorneys


attraction [əˈtrækʃn]

n.吸引,吸引力(the act, process, or power of attracting)

记  来自attract(v.吸引)

例  It is the recognizable increase in sales that is their main attraction to management.


attributable [əˈtrɪbjətəbl]

a.可归于的(capable of being attributed)

记  来自attribute(n.属性,特质;v.归属)

例  Such improvements would be attributable primarily to companies' facing global competitive pressure.


attribute [ˈætrɪbjuːt] n.属性,品质(quality) [əˈtrɪbjuːt] v.把…归于(to ascribe)

记  词根记忆:at + tribute(给,献) →给予,献给→归于

例  In part, this stress can be attributed to the overlords' failure to adjust to a rapidly expanding economy.

派  attributable(a.可归于…的)

attrition [əˈtrɪʃn]

n.磨损(the act of wearing or grinding down by friction);人员耗损(a reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death)

记  词根记忆:at + trit(磨擦) + ion →磨损

例  The labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition.


auction [ˈɔːkʃn]

n.拍卖(a sale of property to the highest bidder)

记  词根记忆:auct(=aug提高) + ion →提高价格→拍卖

例  This was the second highest price ever paid for a painting at auction.


audiophile [ˈɔːdioʊfaɪl]

n.唱片爱好者;爱玩高级音响的人(a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction)

记  词根记忆:audio(声音的) + phile(爱好) →爱玩声音→唱片爱好者

例  Many audiophiles and audio professionals think the warmer, richer tones produced by vacuum-tube-driven amplifiers make them preferable.

audit [ˈɔːdɪt]

n.审计(a formal examination of an organization's or individual's accounts or financial situation)

记  词根记忆:aud(听) + it →听…报告→审计

例  Recent audits revealed that Banque Card has erred in calculating the interest it charges its clients.

同根词:auditor(n.审计员); auditorium(n.观众席;礼堂)

auditorium [ˌɔːdɪ ˈtɔːriəm]

n.礼堂(a room, hall, or building used for public gatherings);观众席(the part of a public building where an audience sits)

记  分拆记忆:auditor(听者) + ium(地点) →听者的地点→礼堂

例  Reno praised Lee in her address to the packed auditorium of civil rights lawyers.

aura [ˈɔːrə]

n. (人或物发出的)气味,香味(distinctive atmosphere caused by a person or thing)

例  Continued sales depend directly on the maintenance of an aura of exclusivity of the premium coffee.

Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time; a man of talent tries to use it.


——德国哲学家叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher)