Zhu Jiong

Associate Professor and Master Student's Tutor in Photographic Institute of Beijing Film Academy. For many years engaged in photography creation, photography critique and art curatorial, she has published over one hundred articles, held many personal exhibitions in China and produced several cross-country exhibitions on different subjects.

2004 Master of Advanced Studies in Aesthetic and Art Theory in the Department of Art Studies at University of Paris VIII.

2008 Ph.D. in Cinematography, in Photographic Institute of Beijing Film Academy.

2011 New Vision joint exhibition,Impression Gallery in Paris,France.

2006-2008 Art director of France-China Intercultural Photography Program Voyage.

2011 The curator of French photographer San Bartolome's exhibition Moon Door in SEE+Gallery,798 Art District in Beijing.

2012 The curator of French photographer San Bartolome's exhibition Summer Billiards exhibitions in Beijing and Shanghai.



Modern City of China

Beijing, in the twenty-first century, courageously forges ahead in the torrent of globalization. This city with huge energy seems to have non-stopping desires. With the slogan of the Olympic Games "One World, One Dream", we went out and saw a different world, such as the United States, with a marvelous dream.

北京,2007年 BEIJING, 2007

北京,2005年 BEIJING, 2005

纽约,2012年 NEW YORK, 2012

纽约,2012年 NEW YORK, 2012