第27章 Scenes from OULANEM(6)
- A Book of Verse
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- 731字
- 2016-03-02 16:37:41
Twould mean that you cared for me not a jot,And selfreproach would have to be my lot.
Lucindo.Tender and lovely being,hear me plead!
If only in my bosom you could read,I never loved till now,by God above,And your reproaches make a mock of love.
Let the base merchant haggle over flaws,By shrewd delays more profit still he draws.
Love brings the union of the worlds about,Naught is beyond,and naught else to desire.
Let those who bind themselves in hatred doubt.
Love is a flashing spark from Life's own fire,Magic that holds us in an open ring,So yield to itthis is the only thing That counts in love,not prudent carefulness;
For love is quick to kindle,quick to bless.
Beatrice.Shall I be modest?Coy?No,I must dare,However high may leap the flames'fierce flare.
Yet my breast tightens under fearful strain As if delight were mixed with searing pain,As if between our union there came floating A hissing sound mixed in by devils gloating.
Lucindo.It is the fire which you do not yet know,And the old life,which now has turned to go Away from us,is speaking its last word;
Then its reproaches will no more be heard.
But tell me,Beatrice,how will you be mine!
Beatrice.My father wants to tie me to a man Whom I would hate if I could hate my fellows.
But be assured you soon will hear from me.
Where are you staying,sweet friend of my heart?
Lucindo.Why,at Pertini's house.
Beatrice.I'll send a courier.
But now your name?Most surely it must sound As does the music of the circling spheres.
Lucindo (in a serious voice).Lucindo is my name.
Beatrice.Lucindo!Sweet,Sweet rings that name to me.Ah,my Lucindo,He is my world,my God,my heart,my all.
Lucindo.Beatrice,that's yourself,and you are more,You are yet more than all,for you are Beatrice.(He presses her ardently to his breast.The door bursts open and Wierin enters.)
Wierin.A pretty sight!O Beatrice!O snake!
Puppet of virtue,are you,cold as marble!
Lucindo.What do you mean by this?What do you seek?
By God,no ape could ever look so sleek.
Wierin.Damned boy,you'll soon enough learn what I mean.
We'll speak together,you and I,O rival Fashioned in human form to make it loathsome,Creature puffed up with impudent conceit,A piece of blottingpaper to wipe pens on,A comic hero of some wretched jape.
Lucindo.And as remarked,behold the complete ape!
Shame on you thus to bandy words with me!
Such courage is like barrelorgan music Played to a painted picture of a battle.
Soon the real thing will count.
Wierin.Soon?Now boy,now we'll have this matter out!
Bbby Godmy very blood runs cold!
Beatrice,I'll finish off this paramour.
Lucindo.Silence,fellow,I'll follow you this instant.
(Pertini enters.)
Pertini.What's all this noise?You think you're on the street?(To Wierin.)
Why do you screech,you crow?I'll stop your mouth!(Aside.)
I've come just in the nick of time.The fellow Has somewhat misinterpreted my meaning.
(Beatrice falls in a faint.)
Lucindo.Help!She swoons!O God!
(He bends over her.)
Come to yourself,angel,sweet spirit,speak!(He kisses her.)
Feel you the warmth?Her eyelids flutter,she breathes!
Beatrice,why are you so?Oh,tell me,why?
You want to kill me?Can I see you thus?
(He raises her up,embracing her.Wierin wants to rush upon him.Pertini holds him back.)
Pertini.Come,friend Crow,just a few words in your ear.
Beatrice (in a faint voice).Lucindo,my Lucindo,ah,my lost one,And lost to me,my heart,before I won you.
Lucindo.Be calm,my angel,nothing shall be lost,And soon I'll see this fellow breathe his last.
(He carries her to the sofa.)
Lie there a while;we cannot long remain,This holy place must bear no evil stain.
Wierin.Come,we shall speak together.
Pertini.I'll come too.
One second at a duel is something new.
Lucindo.Compose yourself,sweet child,be of good cheer.
Beatrice (with a deep sigh).I'm full of fear.
(Curtain.End of Act I.)