1.6 控制打印

1.6.1 重要的打印类


  • DefaultPrintController呈现到打印机。
  • PreviewPrintController呈现到PrintPreviewControl。


1.6.2 生成进行打印的应用程序




  • BeginPrint
  • PrintPage(一个或多个)
  • EndPrint



  • 使用事件参数中的信息打印页的内容。这些事件参数包含打印机的Graphics、该页的PageSettings、页的边界及边距的大小。
  • 确定是否还要打印其他页。
  • 如果还有其他页,则将HasMorePages设置为true。
  • 如果没有其他页,则将HasMorePages设置为false。


//Example Form that Prints
public class PrintCtl : Form {
   Private string[] printBuffer ;
   Private Font printFont;
   Private int startLine;
   //Event fired when the user presses the print button
   private void print_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {
       fileToPrint = new StreamReader ("PrintMe.Txt");
       try {
          printFont = new Font("Arial",10);
          PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); //Assumes the default printer
          pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd_PrintPage);
       } finally {
          fileToPrint.Close() ;
   //Event fired for each page to print
   private void pd_PrintPage(object sender,PrintPageEventArgs ev) {
       float lpp = 0 ;
       float yPos = 0 ;
       int count = 0 ;
       float leftMargin = ev.MarginBounds.Left;
       float topMargin = ev.MarginBounds.Top;
       String line=null;
       //Work out the number of lines per page
       //Use the MarginBounds on the event to do this
       lpp = ev.MarginBounds.Height / printFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics) ;
       //Now iterate over the file printing out each line
       //NOTE WELL: This assumes that a single line is not wider than the page width
       //Check count first so that we don't read line that we won't print
       while (count < lpp && ((line=streamToPrint.ReadLine()) != null)) {
          yPos = topMargin + (count * printFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics));
          //Print Preview control will not work.
          ev.Graphics.DrawString (line,printFont,Brushes.Black,leftMargin,yPos,new StringFormat());
       //If we have more lines then print another page
       if (line != null)
          ev.HasMorePages = true ;
          ev.HasMorePages = false ;



public class TextFilePrintDocument : PrintDocument {
   private Font printFont = null ;
   private StreamReader streamToPrint = null ;
   public TextFilePrintDocument(StreamReader streamToPrint) : base () {
   this.streamToPrint = streamToPrint ;
   //Override OnBeginPrint to set up the font we are going to use
   protected override void OnBeginPrint(PrintEventArgs ev) {
      base.OnBeginPrint(ev) ;
      printFont = new Font("Arial",10);
   //Override the OnPrintPage to provide the printing logic for the document
   protected override void OnPrintPage(PrintPageEventArgs ev) {
      base.OnPrintPage(ev) ;
      float lpp = 0 ;
      float yPos = 0 ;
      int count = 0 ;
      float leftMargin = ev.MarginBounds.Left;
      float topMargin = ev.MarginBounds.Top;
      String line=null;
      //Work out the number of lines per page
      //Use the MarginBounds on the event to do this
      lpp = ev.MarginBounds.Height / printFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics) ;
      //Now iterate over the file printing out each line
      //NOTE WELL: This assumes that a single line is not wider than the page width
      //Check count first so that we don't read line that we won't print
      while (count < lpp && ((line=streamToPrint.ReadLine()) != null)) {
         yPos = topMargin + (count * printFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics));
         //Print Preview control will not work.
         ev.Graphics.DrawString (line,printFont,Brushes.Black,leftMargin,yPos,new StringFormat());
      //If we have more lines then print another page
      if (line != null)
          ev.HasMorePages = true ;
          ev.HasMorePages = false ;



//Event fired when the user presses the print button
private void printButton_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {
   StreamReader streamToPrint = new StreamReader ("PrintMe.Txt");
   try {
        //Assumes the default printer
        TextFilePrintDocument pd = new TextFilePrintDocument(streamToPrint);
        PrintDialog dlg = new PrintDialog() ;
        dlg.Document = pd;
        DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog();
        if (result == DialogResult.OK) {
   } finally {
      streamToPrint.Close() ;



//Event fired when the user presses the page setup button
private void pageSetupButton_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {
    PageSetupDialog psDlg = new PageSetupDialog() ;
    if (storedPageSettings == null) {
        storedPageSettings = new PageSettings();
    psDlg.PageSettings = storedPageSettings ;


//Event fired when the user presses the print button
private void printButton_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {
    StreamReader streamToPrint = new StreamReader ("PrintMe.Txt");
    try {
       TextFilePrintDocument pd = new TextFilePrintDocument(streamToPrint);
       if (storedPageSettings != null) {
           pd.DefaultPageSettings = storedPageSettings ;
       PrintDialog dlg = new PrintDialog() ;
       dlg.Document = pd;
       DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog();
       if (result == DialogResult.OK) {
    } finally {
        streamToPrint.Close() ;



//Event fired when the user presses the print preview button
private void printPreviewButton_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {
   StreamReader streamToPrint = new StreamReader ("PrintMe.Txt");
   try {
      TextFilePrintDocument pd = new TextFilePrintDocument(streamToPrint);
      if (storedPageSettings != null) {
          pd.DefaultPageSettings = storedPageSettings ;
      PrintPreviewDialog dlg = new PrintPreviewDialog() ;
      dlg.Document = pd;
   } finally {
      streamToPrint.Close() ;