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Chapter 1. Charts
Creating custom pop-up labels on a bar chart
Creating a box plot chart for a simple data set
Using the wizard to create a box plot chart
Creating a "Stephen Few" bullet chart
Creating a modified bullet chart in a straight table
Creating a bar chart in a straight table
Creating a Redmond Aged Debt Profile chart
Creating a waterfall chart
Replacing the legend in a line chart with labels on each line
Creating a secondary dimension in a bar chart
Creating a line chart with variable width lines
Brushing parallel coordinates
Using redundant encoding with a scatter chart
Staggering labels in a pie chart
Creating dynamic ad hoc analysis in QlikView
Chapter 2. Layout
Changing the default object layout options
Changing the default selection color scheme
Modifying the green white and gray selection color schemes
Modifying the green white and gray selection color schemes in QlikView Server
Using containers as an alternative to multiboxes
Using the design menus to custom format a cell
Chapter 3. Set Analysis
Using dollar expansion in Set Analysis to enable from-date and to-date selection
Using alternate states with Set Analysis
Using Set operators to exclude values from results
Using Set Analysis with a Date Island
Using Sets to avoid key tables
Chapter 4. Advanced Aggregations
Using TOTAL to calculate the percentage of total and subtotal
Using AGGR to calculate the percentage of the maximum value
Using AGGR to resolve a "Sum of Rows" issue
Creating a dynamic AGGR expression for a Group dimension using Dollar Expansion
Using RangeMax to return only positive numbers
Creating a dynamic Part-to-Whole pie chart
Creating a colored treemap using colormix
Using RangeSum to calculate a rolling total in a multidimension table
Showing only the top 3 values in a pivot table
Creating a Statistical Control Chart using Standard Deviation
Creating a Moving Range chart
Creating a control chart using Moving Range
Chapter 5. Advanced Coding
Extracting QlikView data to a Word report
Printing reports to PDF using PDFCreator
Creating a chart using a macro
Using VBS functions in charts
Chapter 6. Data Modeling
Concatenation of fact tables to avoid loops and synthetic keys
Creating a Key/Link table in QlikView
Chapter 7. Extensions
Creating a simple HTML extension
Creating a simple HTML table
Creating an interactive extension
Using external libraries with extensions
Chapter 8. Useful Functions
Handling null in numeric fields or calculations
Using Dual to handle period name sorting
Parsing text to numbers and dates
Calculating Year To Date dynamically
Labeling a pie chart to replace the legend
Calculating the lowest or highest value in a range
Consolidating a date-time value into quarter hourly segments
Dynamically filtering by From/To dates
Chapter 9. Script
Creating flags in the script
Replacing IsNull
Storing and dropping using a subroutine
Keeping a trace on things
Using the AND mode in listboxes
Using Exists and Keep to limit the data load
Setting the default display format
Setting the default sort order
Matching financial periods to dates
Handling partial reload in the script
Using Peek and Previous to calculate against loaded records
Creating a simple Gantt for a dashboard using Interval Match
Reading users from Active Directory
Getting a sub-URL using the Table wizard
Using parameters in Dollar Sign Expansion
Removing fields with a wildcard
Handling multiple subfolders in a script
Chapter 10. Improving Performance
Reducing the number of distinct values
Creating counter fields to avoid Count Distinct
Creating flag fields to avoid Sum of If and other inefficient expressions
Denormalizing for performance
Chapter 11. Security
Section Access gotchas
Blocking user access to a field using OMIT
Making all values available to Admins and Managers
更新时间:2021-08-13 17:08:45