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Chapter 1. Introduction to Mapbox
Creating your own map
Adding vector data
Publishing your map
Chapter 2. Mapbox Services
Accessing styled tiles on your map
Creating static images
Finding coordinates for an address
Finding an address from coordinates
Finding an address on a map click
Getting directions
Chapter 3. TileMill and Mapbox Studio
Styling a map with TileMill
Styling a map with Mapbox Studio
Publishing your base map on your server with PHP
Publishing your base map on your server with Node.js
Chapter 4. Mapbox.js
Creating a simple map
Changing map properties programmatically
Working with base layers
Adding markers and popups
Clustering markers to improve our map
Getting mouse coordinates
Working with controls
Adding interactivity to your map with UTFGrid
Creating a choropleth map
Creating a heat map
Chapter 5. Mapbox.js Advanced
Adding external data to your map
Adding a time dimension to your map
Comparing two maps at the same time
Adding a WMS layer from GeoServer to your map
Adding ArcGIS layers from a server or from online
Adding Fusion Tables to your map
Adding Foursquare data to your map
Chapter 6. Mapbox GL
Integrating your project with Mapbox GL
Creating a basic map using Mapbox GL
Switching between locations programmatically
Adding markers to the map
Switching map styles
Loading GeoJSON and drawing a polyline
Drawing polygons on the map
更新时间:2021-07-16 12:39:43