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Learning Microsoft Azure Storage
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Understanding Azure Storage 101
An introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage
Why Azure Storage?
ASM versus ARM model
Azure classic portal (ASM model)
Azure portal (ARM model)
Deployment model tricks
Azure Storage types
Replication types
Locally redundant storage
Zone Redundant Storage
Geo-redundant storage
Read-access geo-redundant storage
Standard Storage
Premium Storage
Persistent storage
Non-persistent storage
Azure Storage accounts
General-purpose storage accounts
Blob storage accounts
Hot access tier
Cool access tier
Azure Storage Account tips
Creating an Azure Storage account
Automating your tasks
Azure PowerShell
Installing the Azure PowerShell module
Installing the Azure PowerShell module from the PowerShell Gallery
Creating a storage account in the Azure portal using PowerShell
Azure command-line interface
Installing the Azure CLI 2.0
Creating a Storage account using the Azure CLI 2.0
Delving into Azure Storage
Azure Storage services
Blob storage
Creating Blob storage
Blob storage key points
Table storage
Creating Table storage
Table storage key points
Queue storage
Creating Queue storage
Queue storage key points
File storage
File storage advantages
Creating File storage
File storage key points
Understanding the Azure Storage architecture
Front-End layer
Partition layer
Stream layer
Sparse storage and TRIM in Azure
Securing Azure Storage
Granting the reader role to a user using RBAC
Access keys
Storage design for highly available applications
Azure Backup
Azure Site Recovery
Premium Storage
Understanding client libraries
Automating tasks
Creating Blob storage using PowerShell
Creating Blob storage using the Azure CLI 2.0
Creating Table storage using PowerShell
Creating Table storage using the Azure CLI 2.0
Creating Queue storage using PowerShell
Creating Queue storage using the Azure CLI 2.0
Creating a file share using PowerShell
Granting the reader role to a user with RBAC using PowerShell
Granting the reader role for a user with RBAC using the Azure CLI 2.0
Regenerating storage account access keys using PowerShell
Regenerating storage account access keys using the Azure CLI 2.0
Azure Storage for VMs
An introduction to Azure VMs
Azure VMs series
Creating an Azure VM
VM settings
Storage considerations for Azure VMs
Managed versus unmanaged disks
Managed disks key points
VM disks
Adding a data disk to Azure VM
Data disks key points
Resizing disks
Host caching
Host caching key points
Changing the host caching type
Capturing VMs
Sysprepping the VM
Capturing the VM with managed storage
Capturing the VM with unmanaged storage
Automating the tasks
Creating an Azure VM using PowerShell
Network resources
VM configuration
Creating the VM
Creating an Azure VM using the Azure CLI 2.0
Adding data disks to an Azure VM using PowerShell
Adding data disks to an Azure VM using the Azure CLI 2.0
Resizing Azure VM disks using PowerShell
Resizing Azure VM disks using the Azure CLI 2.0
Changing the host caching using PowerShell
Changing the host caching using the Azure CLI 2.0
Capturing the VM using PowerShell
Capturing the VM using the Azure CLI 2.0
Further information
Implementing Azure SQL Databases
An introduction to Azure SQL Database
Why Azure SQL Database?
Service tiers
Elastic database pools
Single databases
Service tier types
Creating an Azure SQL Database
Connecting to Azure SQL Database
Server-level firewall rule
Connecting to Azure SQL Database using SQL SSMS
Azure SQL Database business continuity
How business continuity works for Azure SQL Database
Hardware failure
Point-in-time restore
Restoring Azure SQL Database key points
Restoring a deleted database
Automating the tasks
Creating an Azure SQL Database using PowerShell
Creating an Azure SQL Database using the Azure CLI 2.0
Creating an SQL Server-level firewall rule using PowerShell
Creating an SQL Server-level firewall rule using Azure CLI 2.0
Point-in-time restore using PowerShell
Point-in-time restore using the Azure CLI 2.0
Restoring a deleted database using PowerShell
Restoring a deleted database using PowerShell
Beyond Azure SQL Database Management
SQL Database (IaaS/PaaS)
Azure SQL Database (PaaS)
Scenarios that would fit in Azure SQL Database
SQL on Azure VMs (IaaS)
Scenarios that would suit SQL on Azure VMs
Azure SQL elastic database pools
Creating an elastic database pool
Adding a database to the elastic database pool
Setting Azure AD authentication to Azure SQL Database
Active geo-replication
Implementing active geo-replication
Adding the databases to a failover group
Active geo-replication key points
Automating the tasks
Creating an elastic database pool using PowerShell
Creating an elastic database pool using Azure CLI 2.0
Adding database to the elastic database pool using PowerShell
Adding an additional database to the elastic database pool using Azure CLI 2.0
Setting Azure AD authentication to Azure SQL Database using PowerShell
Setting Azure AD authentication to Azure SQL Database using the Azure CLI 2.0
Implementing active geo-replication using PowerShell
Implementing active geo-replication using Azure CLI 2.0
Adding databases to a failover group using PowerShell
Adding databases to a failover group using the Azure CLI 2.0
Further information
Azure Backup
An introduction to Azure Backup
Why Azure Backup?
The process of backing up data
Building a Recovery Services vault
Backing up an Azure VM
Restoring Azure VM files
Restoring Azure VM files key points
Restoring an Azure VM
Restoring an Azure VM key points
Further information
Automating tasks
Building a Recovery Services vault using Azure PowerShell
Building a Recovery Services vault using the Azure CLI 2.0
Backing up an Azure VM using Azure PowerShell
Backing up an Azure VM using the Azure CLI 2.0
Restoring Azure VM files using Azure PowerShell
Restoring Azure VM files using the Azure CLI 2.0
Restoring an Azure VM using Azure PowerShell
Restoring an Azure VM using the Azure CLI 2.0
Azure Site Recovery
Introduction to ASR
ASR supportability
Hyper-V servers
VMware vSphere and physical servers
Preparing your environment for ASR
Building a site-to-site VPN connection
Preparing an infrastructure for replication
Kicking off replication from on-premises to ASR
ASR recovery plans
Testing ASR
Further information
Extending Your Azure Storage Management
Azure StorSimple
StorSimple Virtual Array
StorSimple 8000 series
Uploading a folder to Azure Blob
Downloading an Azure Blob service container
Azure Storage Explorer
Connecting to Azure Storage using Azure Storage Explorer
Managing Azure Storage accounts using Azure Storage Explorer
Creating an Azure Storage service
Azure Storage's three musketeers
更新时间:2021-07-02 15:26:44