Vue.js Quick Start Guide
Ajdin Imsirovic更新时间:2021-06-24 18:24:14
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Introducing Vue
What is Vue?
The quickest way to start using Vue2
Mustache template example
Using Vue's data option as a function
What problems does Vue solve?
Vue a jQuery successor
A learning tool for beginners
A versatile and progressive framework
A tool for animations and transitions
Features similar to other modern frontend frameworks and libraries
Why use Vue?
Declarative code
Feels like a right fit for a variety of projects
Easy-to-understand syntax
Vue methods
Computed properties and watchers
Basic Concepts of Vue 2
Data-driven views in Vue
What is reactivity?
How does Vue achieve this?
Computed properties and methods
What exactly are these dependencies?
Understanding components templates and props
Adding props and data for better components
Adding content to our components with the help of the data object
Other ways of building component templates in Vue
Building a simple web page out of components
Adding simple components to a Vue instance
Creating a more complex page out of components in Vue
Improving our Vue-based layouts with v-for
Watchers in Vue
Lifecycle hooks
What is a component's lifecycle?
How do we use lifecycle hooks?
Working with Vue-CLI Components Props and Slots
Vue component hierarchy and global and local components
Using Vue-CLI
Installing Git bash
Installing nvm
Why use nvm?
Installing and updating Vue-cli
Initializing a new project with Vue-cli
Setting up code editors to use with Vue
Working with Vue.js in Sublime Text 3
Dowloading Sublime Text 3
Install Package Manager
Working with Vue.js in VS Code
Installing VS Code and extensions
The structure of our Vue-cli-based project
Adding basic functionality to a child component
Adding props to our HelloAgain.vue
Passing data from children to parent components
Introduction to slots
Filters and Mixins
Using filters
An example of a filter that rounds up student grades
Using filters as a replacement for conditional directives
Chaining filters in Vue
Working with mixins
Building a simple app with repetitive functionality in different components
Staying DRY with mixins
Refactoring our viewportSize mixin
Making Your Own Directives and Plugins
Making our own directives
Understanding custom directives
Building a simple custom directive
Using local directives
Passing values to custom directives
Working with Vue plugins
Creating the simplest possible Vue plugin
Creating a plugin with options defined
Publishing a Vue plugin
Adding a simple plugin
Installing our NPM plugin in a Vue project using Vue CLI 3
Additional plugins to learn from
Transitions and Animations
Transitions and animations in CSS
How CSS transitions work
How CSS animations work
Differences between transitions and animations in CSS
Rules for CSS transitions
Rules for CSS animations
The transition element in Vue
Setting up the enter transition
Setting up the leave transition
Naming transition components
CSS animations with transition component
Custom transition classes
Combining transition modes duration keys and v-if
Binding CSS styles in Vue
Animating a button on click with dynamic CSS classes
Working with transition groups
JavaScript animation hooks
Using Vuex
What is state?
State management data stores and one-way data flows
The Vuex state management pattern
The store
Getters in the Vuex store
Vuex store mutations
Actions in Vuex store
Hot reloading
Building a fruit counter app with Vuex
Using the Vue DevTools plugin to track our Vuex state
Improving our fruit counter app
Using Nuxt.js and Vue-Router
Single-page applications and server-side rendering
Installing Nuxt.js and previewing the default project
Installing Nuxt.js with the vue init command
Debugging an eslint error
Installing with create-nuxt-app
Editing the index.vue file
Nuxt pages as routes
Adding navigation to Nuxt apps via the components folder
Adding content to our Nuxt app's pages
Adding page transitions to our Nuxt.js app
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更新时间:2021-06-24 18:24:14