更新时间:2020-09-25 15:33:22
最新章节:Annex E(Normative) General Inspection Methods封面
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 General Provisions
4 Construction Quality Acceptance
4.1 Construction Quality Acceptance Provisions
4.2 Division of Construction Quality Inspection Scope and General Tables
4.3 General Standards
4.4 Erection of Boiler Proper
4.5 Erection of Boiler Dust Precipitator
4.6 Pressure Decay Test for Utility Boiler
4.7 Erection of Boilre Fuel Oil Equipment and Pipes
4.8 Erection of Boiler Auxiliary Machinery
4.9 Erection of Coal Handling Plant
4.10 Erection of Desulfurization Equipment
4.11 Erection of Denitrification Fication Equipment
4.12 Boiler Setting Construction
4.13 Thermal Equipment and Pipe Insulation of the Whole Plant
4.14 Equipment and pipes painting of the whole plant
4.15 Erection of circulating fluidized bed boiler
5 Single Project Construction Quality Evaluation
5.1 Basic Requirements
5.2 Evaluation Regulations
5.3 Evalustion Contents
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5.4 Evaluation Methods
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5.5 Construction Quality Evaluation of Boiler Proper Erection,Pressure Decay Test for Utility Boiler Project
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5.6 Construction Quality Evaluation of Boiler Dust Precipitator,Desulfurization and Denitrification Equipment Erection Project
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5.7 Construction Quality Evaluation of Boiler Auxiliary Machinery Erection Project
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5.8 Construction Quality Evaluation of Coal Handling Equipment,Fuel Oil Equipment and Pipes Erection Project
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5.9 Construction Quality Evaluation of Boiler Setting,Equipment &Pipe Insulation and Painting Project
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5.10 Construction Quality Evaluation of Single Project of Circulating Fluidied Bed Boiler Erection
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5.11 Evaluation Score Summary of Each Project Section(Scope)in Single Project
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5.12 Construction Quality Evaluation Report of Single Project
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6 Quality Evaluation of Single Unit
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7 Quality Evaluation of the Whole Project
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Annex A(Normative) Waste incineration Boiler Erection
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A.1 General Provisions
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A.2 QualityAcceptance Scope Division Table
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A.3 Refuse Incinerator Eerction of Waste Incineration Boiler
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A.5 Garbage Feed System Erection
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A.6 Flue gas purification system erection
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A.7 Implementation Inspection Sheet of Mamdatory Provisions
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A.8 Refuse Inicinerator Erection Project Quality Evaluation
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Annex B(Normative) Biomass Incineration Boiler Erection
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B.1 General Provisions
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B.2 Biomass Incineration Boiler Erection
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B.3 Feeding Syetem Erection Project Quality Evaluation in Biomass Incineration Boiler
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Annex C(Normative) Gas-Turbine Heat Recovery Boiler Erection
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C.1 General Provisions
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C.2 Gas-turbine Heat Recovery Boiler Erection
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C.3 Single Project Quality Evaluation of Gas-Turbine Heat Recovery Boile Erection
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Annes D(Normative) Accepted Certification Table of Unit Project Appearance Quality
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Annex E(Normative) General Inspection Methods
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E.1 Boiler erection main geometry sizes measuring methods.
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E.2 Elevation measuring methods.
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E.3 Header(drum),longitudinal/transverse horizontality measuring methods.
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E.4 Column,beam torsional value measuring methods.
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E.5 Boiler setting,insulation,painting inspection methods.
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E.6 Kerosene leakage detection methods.
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Clause Explanation
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1 Scope
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2 Normative Reference
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3 General Provisions
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4 Construction Quality Acceptance
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4.1 Construction Quality Acceptance Provisions
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4.2 Division of Construction Quality Inspection Scope and General Tables
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4.3 General Standards
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4.4 Erection of Boiler Proper
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4.5 Erection of Boiler Dust Precipitator
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4.6 Pressure Decay Test for Utility Boiler
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4.7 Erection of Boiler Fuel Oil Equipment and pipes
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4.8 Erection of Boiler Auxiliary Machinery
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4.9 Coal handling equipment erection
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4.10 Erection of Desulfurization Equipment
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4.11 Erection of Denitrification Fication Equipment
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4.12 Boiler Setting Construction
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5 Single Project Construction Quality Evaluation
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5.1 Basic Requirements
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5.2 Evaluation Regulations
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5.3 Evaluation Contents
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5.4 Evaluation Methods
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5.11 Evaluation Score Summary of Each Project Section(Scope)in Single Project
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5.12 Construction Quality Evaluation Report of Single Project
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6 Quality Evaluation of Single Unit
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7 Quality Evaluation of the Whole Project
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Annex A(Normative) Waste Incineration boiler Erection
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Annex C(Normative) Gas-turbine Heat Recovery Boiler Erection
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Annex E(Normative) General Inspection Methods
更新时间:2020-09-25 15:33:22