推荐序一 文莱旅游局局长推荐语
推荐序二 文莱驻华大师推荐语
第一章 历史文化篇——富贵之邦那些事儿 About Brunei
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一枚鸟蛋的传说 Legendaries of Brunei
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文莱人自豪的“黄金时代”The pride of Bruneian golden age
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得来不易的独立 Arduous Independence
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一国之尊——现任国家元首 Head of the State &Government
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现实的神话 Brunei's Economic and its wealthy
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文莱与中国的渊源 The historical tie of Brunei&China
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第二章 悠游旅行篇——九天,玩遍文莱!Getaway in Brunei for 9 days!
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五月里的“Summer”“Summer”in the month of MAY
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了解文莱从早市开始Getting to know Brunei start from local market
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无与伦比的金王宫——努鲁尔·伊曼宫 Golden Palace-Istana Nurul Iman
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文莱的标志奥玛尔·阿里·赛福鼎清真寺 Brunei's Landmark: Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque
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国王的私属苏丹·哈桑纳尔·博尔基亚清真寺 The Sultan's Mosque: Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah mosque
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王室陈列馆里见证辉煌 The Glory of Royal Regalia
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追寻文莱的历史——国家博物馆 Tracing on Brunei's history -Brunei Museum
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巧夺天工的手工艺品中心 The Arts and Handicraft Center
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文莱华人宗教信仰地——腾云殿 Hall of Flying Clouds
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600年的水村风情 The exotic of 600 years water village
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文莱河的巨石传说 boulder legend in Brunei River
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一“树”长鼻猴Bunch of Proboscis Monkey
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水晶之园苏丹的厚礼Generous gifts by the Sultan -Jerudong Park
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小国里的大明星吴尊 Superstar for Brunei-Wu Zun
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与吴尊面对面 Face to face with Wu Zun
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华人文化传承之地文莱中华中学The understanding of Bruneian Chinese Culture&heritage-Chong Hwa School
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加东夜市主题就是吃“Eating”must do in Gadong night market
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帝国酒店里的奢华感受 The feel of The Empire Hotel Luxury
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走近文莱华人家庭 Approaching to local Bruneian chinese family
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伊班人家的长屋 The Iban long house
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真主的宠爱石油小镇诗里亚God blessing with the oil town-Seria
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淡布隆国家森林公园的两天一夜 2 days 1 nights trip in Ulu Temburong National Park
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第三章 文化风俗篇——平淡如菊,幸福文莱人The Happiness Bruneian people in ordinary life
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1 文莱人的衣食住行
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2 斋月过后是狂欢
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3 幸福的文莱人
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第四章 自助攻略篇——道不尽的美食 undying dishes in Brunei cuisine
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2【最人气餐厅】Wecan Restaurant
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3 【最“星光”餐厅】“新优美”吴尊的最爱
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4【最无敌河景餐厅】:Tarindak D’Seni
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第五章 自助攻略篇——购在文莱乐趣多 Lots of fun in shopping with Brunei
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第六章 自助攻略篇——行在文莱 Getting around in Brunei
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更新时间:2018-12-27 12:09:53